Tube Stomach Prices Turkey

Tube Stomach Prices Turkey

Tube stomachIt is a highly preferred stomach reduction surgery. Obese patients turn to different surgical methods if they cannot lose weight. One of the surgical obesity treatments is the removal of 85% of the patient's stomach. After this surgery, the patient loses weight more easily because his appetite will decrease and he will not be able to eat as much as before. You can reach your desired weight very quickly by having gastric tube surgery.

Who is the Gastric Tube Suitable for?

Gastric tube is a kind of weight loss surgery. To perform this surgery, the patient must be morbidly obese. However, the patient must meet certain criteria. Among these criteria, the first place should be between the ages of 18-65. Body mass index should be at least 35. If the patient's BMI is not 35, it must be 30 and above. In addition, he must have some critical illness. BMI should be above 30 if diseases such as sleep apnea, hypertension and kidney disease are present.

How is Tube Stomach Surgery Performed?

tube stomach, involves removing 85% of the stomach. This requires the patient to undergo serious surgery. As scary as it may sound, it involves a large incision and dividing the abdomen. But if the operation is performed by a specialist surgeon, you do not need to be afraid. Since the operation will be performed under general anesthesia, you will not feel anything. Your risk of serious complications will also be minimized. It involves lowering the gastric tube into your stomach, then aligning the tube and dividing the stomach into two. Afterwards, you will be taken to the intensive care unit to be awakened after stitches.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With Tube Stomach Surgery?

stomach tube surgery It gives different results for everyone. Because the result of the surgery shows itself according to the diet and exercise. The patient cannot lose weight just by having the surgery. You should stay in constant contact with the doctor after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Because gastric tube surgery makes it easier for you to both diet and lose weight. Therefore, you should definitely take into account what the doctor says. If you pay attention to all these, you can reach the weight you want. If you pay attention to some factors after the surgery, you can lose 50% of your own weight.

Tube Stomach Risks

Gastric sleeve surgery risks Although it frightens patients, it is actually not something to be afraid of. However, if you think about how much the obesity disease harms you, you can relax. Excessive sweating, heart problems, limited mobility and inability to socialize are greater risks. However, it is more advantageous to know that all these will be resolved with a single operation. If you are treated by a specialist doctor, you will not have any risks. However, the risk of surgery performed by a doctor who is not qualified in his field is as follows;

·         Excessive bleeding

·         Infection

·         Adverse reaction to anesthesia

·         breathing problem

·         Leakage from the cut part of the stomach

·         Hernia

·         low blood sugar

·         Mumps

·         nutritional deficiency

In order to avoid the risks we have listed above, you must be treated by a good doctor in the field.

What is the Diet Before Tube Stomach Surgery?

Gastric sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be performed in two different types, open and closed. Laparoscopy is a closed surgery method. Closed surgery allows you to recover in a much shorter time. Open surgery causes very large scars. Diet is also necessary for exactly this. Because the open surgery process makes it difficult for you to get through. In order to get through the process easily, you need to do some diet. Thus, you can prevent fatty liver. Because most of the morbidly obese patients have fatty liver.

You can follow an easy diet 2 weeks before the surgery and get ready for the surgery. Surgery performed with open surgery will cause you to take much more risks. For this reason, you can understand how much weight you need to lose and what foods you should eat by meeting with a dietitian beforehand.

What are the Advantages of Tube Stomach Surgery?

Tube stomach advantages it is quite a lot. Obesity will greatly affect your social life. For this reason, you will not only lose weight with sleeve gastrectomy surgery. It also helps you have a healthy immune system. So much so that you lose 90% of your health problems. Even though the obese patient is used to being overweight, you need to get rid of this habit now. If you want to give up your excess weight, you should be sure that this surgery will be good for you. You also feel comfortable psychologically.

Obesity causes low sperm and low semen volume in men as well as classical diseases. This is a condition that prevents reproduction. In women, it also causes ovaries to become lazy and menstrual irregularities occur. Gastric sleeve surgery also allows you to have a healthy reproductive system.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery

There are some methods to facilitate the recovery process after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. You will probably be in contact with your doctor after the surgery. So you will not be alone in the process. You can learn detailed information about your diet. Things to consider after sleeve gastrectomy are as follows;

·         You should not lift heavy for 2 weeks after the operation. You will be much more comfortable if you have a helper by your side.

·         You need to take a break from housework after the surgery. You should also avoid moving too much. In this way, you will not damage your seams.

·         You should not neglect post-operative care. You should pay attention to this so that your seams are not damaged.

Which Diseases Will Heal After Tube Stomach Surgery?

Obesity causes various health problems as well as being overweight. It is possible to get rid of the following diseases after sleeve gastrectomy surgery;

·         Your joint pain is gone.

·         You do not sweat excessively. In this way, you will not experience redness.

·         You get relief from sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes.

·         If you have menstrual irregularity, your menstrual cycle will return to normal.

·         The problem of sexual impotence ends.

·         High cholesterol problem is solved.

·         High blood pressure problem solved.

Diet for the First Month After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

After gastric sleeve surgery In the first place, you should eat a protein-rich diet. In other words, it would be better if you feed mainly on milk and dairy products. The foods you can take for the first 2 weeks are as follows;

·         diet drinks

·         Low-calorie soups

·         frothless sugar-free coffee

·         Unsweetened natural juice

·         Unsweetened tea

Foods you can eat 2 weeks after sleeve gastrectomy;

·         Fish prepared with white sauce

·         Minced meat puree

·         soft omelette

·         Crushed macaroni with cheese

·         cottage cheese cake

·         Lasagna

·         Cottage yogurt and cottage cheese

·         Peeled mashed potatoes

·         cooked fruit

·         mashed banana

·         low calorie yogurt

·         low calorie cheese

·         Low-calorie dairy desserts

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey It offers very reliable solutions. Doctors do a really good job here. The satisfaction of many patients has also been achieved. Prices are also suitable for many countries. Because here the exchange rate is high and the cost of living is low. If you want to have gastric tube surgery in Turkey, you can contact us and get free consultancy service.


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