Marmaris Gastric Bypass

Marmaris Gastric Bypass 

gastric bypassIt is one of the most preferred obesity surgeries. Gastric bypass surgery somehow changes the digestive system of the person. At the same time, radical changes are experienced in the diet of patients. In other words, we can state that gastric bypass surgery is an extremely serious and irreversible operation. 
Gastric bypass surgery reduces the size of the stomach to the size of a walnut. In this way, it is aimed for the patient to lose weight easily. It is an extremely radical decision and the patient has to be fed carefully throughout his life. Therefore, it should be decided carefully. 

Who Is Marmaris Gastric Bypass Applied?

gastric bypass surgerySuitable for patients with obesity. However, there are some conditions to have this surgery. In order to have this surgery, the patient should be in the morbidly obese patient group. In other words, BMI should be 40 and above. Those with this type of obesity can have gastric bypass surgery. Patients with a BMI of 40 should have a BMI of at least 35 and have certain diseases. For example, this surgery can also be performed when there are diseases such as blood pressure, sleep apnea, TYPE 1 diabetes. 

Finally, patients must be between the ages of 18-65. Patients with these criteria can have gastric bypass surgery. However, in order to get a clear answer, it is necessary to consult with a specialist physician and leave the decision to him. Sometimes, some tests must be performed in the hospital for the patient to have a definitive surgery. You can contact us for this. 

What Are the Risks of Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass is an extremely important surgery. It is extremely important that you do not experience any complications in order to have this treatment that requires experience. gastric bypass surgery in Turkey It doesn't bring you much risk. You can contact us for gastric bypass treatments in Turkey. Because our surgeons are highly experienced and competent in gastric bypass surgery in Turkey. Apart from these, the possible gastric bypass risks you may encounter are as follows;

• Excessive bleeding 
• Infection
• Adverse reactions from anesthesia 
• Formation of blood clot 
• Lung problems 
• Troubles in the gastro system 
• Intestinal obstruction 
• dumping syndrome 
• Gallstone formation 
• Hernia 
• Low blood sugars 
• Unhealthy eating 
• Perforation in the stomach 
• Ulcer 
• Vomiting 

If you do not want to face these risks, you can contact us. 

How Much Weight Can Be Lost With Gastric Bypass?

It is a question asked by every patient who plans to lose weight and wants to have gastric bypass surgery. How much weight can be lost? Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a clear answer to this question. Because how much weight the patient will lose after gastric bypass is up to the patient himself. If you continue with a dietitian and follow a regular diet, you can reach the desired weight in a short time. At the same time, patients can gain the desired weight in a short time if they stay away from fat, sugar and floury foods and lead an active life. If attention is paid to these, it is possible to lose 70% of body weight. 

Gastric Bypass Preparation 

If you are planning to have gastric bypass, you should prepare yourself psychologically. Because gastric bypass is a permanent procedure. Therefore, it may sound scary and alarming, but there is no need to be afraid. Post-surgery patients only have difficulty in eating. However, you should know that after you get through the first few weeks, it won't be too difficult. 

If you limit your food before going into surgery, you will not have any difficulties. It will be extremely easy for you to reach your new diet routine. It will be very convenient for you to start a diet before the operation. Some patients may need to lose weight before surgery. However, the decision will be made by the doctor. If there is fat in the internal organs, the closed surgery method may not be possible. If closed surgery is to be performed, it may be necessary to get rid of some excess weight first. 

Step by Step Gastric Bypass Surgery Procedure

Gastric bypass is generally performed with a closed surgery method. In the closed method, 5 small incisions are made on your abdomen and the procedure begins. From here, surgical instruments are inserted. Staples the stomach entrance. The rest of the stomach is not removed. The last part of the small intestine is cut and the remaining part is connected to the stomach. The stitches on the skin are also closed and the process is completed. 

How Does Gastric Bypass Provide Weight Loss?

How gastric bypass provides weight loss is one of the most frequently asked questions. Patients want to know how much weight they will lose, which is perfectly natural. With the surgery, the patient's stomach volume is significantly reduced. Thus, by eating limited food, the patient can lose weight in a short time. Of course, that's not all. Since the part of the stomach that feels hunger is removed, the patient does not feel hunger. Changes made in the small intestine allow patients to get rid of the food they consume in a short time. Food is excreted from the body without being digested. 
Because of the combination of three factors, patients can lose weight extremely quickly. The only problem after the operation is that the body stays away from vitamins and minerals. For this, it is necessary to regularly use the vitamin supplements that the doctor will give. As a result, you can lose weight in a short time. 

How Should Nutrition Be After Gastric Bypass?

After the operation, you must have a gradual diet. 

• You should only be fed with liquid for 2 weeks. 
• In the third week, you can start eating mash slowly. 
• You can eat well-cooked vegetables and fruits in the 5th week. 

However, other foods you can take;

• Lean meat and poultry 
• Cubed fish
• Cottage cheese 
• The fish
• Cooked or dried cereal 
• Rice
• Canned or fresh soft fruit 
• Cooked skinless vegetables 

Foods to stay away from;

• Bread
• Carbonated drinks
• Raw vegetables 
• Vegetables such as celery, broccoli 
• Hard meats 
• Red meat 
• Fried food 
• Extremely spicy foods 
• Nuts and seeds 
• Popcorn 
• Chips 

It can be very difficult to consume foods that you cannot afford. You have extreme difficulty digesting. Even if you eat it very rarely, you should definitely not make it a habit. However, you should know how to eat the food. Matters you should pay attention to;

• Eat slowly and drink slowly
• Try to keep meals small 
• Eat little and often.
• Be sure to drink liquids between meals.
• Chew food thoroughly.
• Go for protein-rich foods.
• Avoid foods high in fat and sugar.
• Make sure to take important vitamin and mineral supplements.

Why Do People Prefer Turkey?

There are more than one reason why people prefer Turkey. You can examine the following reasons for gastric bypass treatment in Turkey;

• Treatments are extremely affordable. 
• The success rate is extremely high.
• Affordable non-treatment costs 

Gastric bypass treatment in Turkey The average is around 2.750 Euros. Of course, this price varies according to the quality of the clinic where you will be treated. You can contact us for the best price guarantee in Turkey. You can be sure that we will provide you with the best counseling service and ensure that you are treated in the best hospital. You can call us 7/24 for details. 

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