What is the Definition of the Best Breast Lift Procedure in Turkey?

What is the Definition of the Best Breast Lift Procedure in Turkey?

Breast lift surgery is an aesthetic procedure performed to eliminate deformations in breasts that are inherently structural and cause aesthetic concerns or lose their shape over time. Having breasts that are visually close to their ideal form helps increase self-confidence in individuals. With the procedures known as breast lift or breast lift procedures, the body will gain a much more proportionate shape. This helps people feel comfortable.

Why is Breast Lift Surgery Performed?

The chest area may undergo deformation depending on age and other factors. For this reason, breast lift operations are frequently preferred practices today. Breast lift procedures are mostly performed to lift sagging breasts due to too much weight loss. Breast volume increases in women during pregnancy. After birth, breast sagging may occur.

Breast sagging problems may occur due to breastfeeding. This situation creates aesthetic concerns in women because their breasts are not in the shape they used to be. In addition, gravity also causes breast sagging problems in women, regardless of whether they have given birth or not. Using the wrong bra may cause breast sagging or asymmetry problems. Apart from this, breast lift procedures are also performed due to trauma such as accidents. Lift operations may also be needed in cases where the breast is sagging than the other from birth or over time.

How are Breast Lift Procedures Done?

The breast is an important part of the female body in visual perception. Sagging or deformation of the breasts may occur over time due to various factors such as birth, breastfeeding and advancing age. However, thanks to breast lift surgery, it is possible for women to have firm breasts.

Before the breast lift operation called mastopexy, patients need to be checked and examined in detail. During these checks, issues such as the position of the nipple and the degree of sagging of the breast are determined. Then, depending on the body conditions of the patients, the operation processes are divided into two.

In people with small breasts, breast lift is performed by applying silicone filling under the breast. In this way, breast lifting can be done in proportion to the breast volume. In lift procedures performed on large breasts, a portion of the breast tissue is removed. In addition, if there are asymmetry problems in the breasts, they are equalized during the operation.

Breast lift surgery performed under general anesthesia usually requires a one-day rest period. However, if the doctor deems it appropriate, there may be longer hospital stays. Self-dissolving stitches are mostly used for breast lift surgery. In this way, it is possible for the stitches to disappear on their own over time.

Who is Breast Lift Surgery Suitable for?

One of the most frequently used aesthetic operations is breast lift surgery. Individuals may resort to breast lift operations for various reasons. Breast lift surgeries are often used in cases of sagging and deformation in the chest area in people who have lost too much weight. If the breast structure is naturally small and there is discomfort with its shape due to sagging, breast lift surgery may be performed. Flat or sagging breasts cause various problems in clothing choices and also in people's posture. Breast lift operations can also be performed if the nipple and nipples point downward.

Breast lift procedures are decided on people deemed suitable by specialist doctors. Breast lift prices vary depending on the procedures to be performed on individuals. Breast lift surgery prices vary depending on silicone, tissue removal, recovery or additional interventions to be performed on other parts of the body.

Is There Any Loss of Sensation After Breast Lift?

Breast lift surgery is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic operations. It is wondered whether people lose sensation after this procedure. People may experience loss of sensation in the early days after breast augmentation. But this loss of sensation is temporary. Afterwards, the feeling of arousal returns as the nerves become innervated.

Before the operation, the doctor informs the patients that they may experience loss of sensation. It is also a matter of curiosity whether it is possible to breastfeed after breast lift surgery. There is no problem in breastfeeding babies after this surgery. There is no risk of damage to the milk ducts, milk glands or nipple during the operation. Breastfeeding situations may vary depending on how much tissue is removed from the breasts and how much change is made in the breast during the operations.

Recovery Period After Breast Lift Procedure

Breast lift surgery recovery process is an issue that requires attention. It is necessary to use the correct bra and to take careful care of the chest area after the surgery. As with all surgeries, there are complications that may occur after breast lift operations. These complications are bleeding and infection. To minimize infection risks, care should be taken to follow proper dressing and hygiene rules. In addition, regular use of the medications prescribed by the doctor is also an important issue.

Even if the possibility of bleeding is low, patients should avoid adverse movements. Situations that need to be taken into consideration in order to minimize complications after breast lift surgery are as follows:

• Raising arms above shoulder level should be avoided. People can perform such movements three weeks after the surgery.

• There is no problem in taking a shower after the fourth day of breast lift surgery. However, patients should avoid taking a shower in the early stages.

• Patients should not lie on their chest for the first 30 days after the surgery. Otherwise, the stitches may be damaged.

• After breast lift surgery, patients should not lift too much weight.

• Swimming should be avoided for at least 40 days after the surgery. You can swim after the sixth week, depending on the condition of the stitches.

• People who are considering starting sports should wait for recovery for at least one month after surgery. Afterwards, light sports can be started with the doctor's approval.

• Approximately 6 weeks after surgery, patients can start wearing underwire bras. It is important that the clothes chosen after the operation are comfortable around the chest area.

• After three months, patients can do heavy sports if they wish. However, care should be taken not to neglect medical check-ups during this process.

How is Returning to Normal Life After Breast Lift Operation?

Breast lift surgery takes approximately 2 hours. It is normal to see swelling and bruising in the breast over a period of 5-10 days. However, these complaints should decrease over time. During the 6-week period after the surgery, patients must wear a soft, non-wired bra that covers the breasts. It is possible for patients to return to their normal lives after 3-4 days. Apart from this, there may also be pain problems in the arms. It is important for individuals with babies not to hold their babies during this period. Situations such as driving should be started after 2 weeks. At the end of 6 months, the stitches will disappear completely. However, it should not be forgotten that these processes are shaped by personal factors.

Doctor's control, hygiene and healthy nutrition are important in breast lift surgery, as in all operations. By completing this entire process carefully and carefully, patients will have the breasts of their dreams. It is important for patients to be psychologically ready before deciding on breast lift surgery. Apart from this, various concerns such as breastfeeding after surgery should be shared with doctors. Breast lift prices are an issue that varies depending on various factors.

It is important to ensure body proportions and to clearly indicate to the doctor other areas of discomfort in order to get the best results.

Is Non-Surgical Breast Lift Possible?

Cream and massage applications are known as non-surgical breast lift. In addition, by using some other tools, the nipple cannot be raised above the fold line, that is, the breast cannot be lifted. Contrary to popular belief, exercising does not cause breast lift.

Anatomically, there is no connection between the chest muscle and the position of the breast tissue. Breast lift can only be performed through surgical operations. The breast lift method can be applied to anyone with sagging breasts and extra skin in the area. In addition to all these, breast lift applications can also be performed without the use of a prosthesis to eliminate the size differences between the two breasts.

Will There Be Any Scars After Breast Lift Surgery?

There may be some scarring in breast lift surgeries performed with current techniques and materials. Although scars may occur, these scars cannot be seen unless looked carefully. It is very difficult to see surgery scars in individuals with dark skin. However, it is important for people who are sensitive about this issue to discuss the situation with the doctor before surgery. Nowadays, it is impossible to perform scarless breast lift surgeries.

Why Do Sagging Problems Occur in Breasts?

Breast sagging is also called ptosis. There are various reasons why this situation occurs.

• It is not possible to prevent gravity from affecting the shape of the body. Especially in people who do not use a bra, breast sagging may occur.

• Sagging problems may begin in the early stages due to weak ligaments supporting the breast due to hereditary reasons.

• There is a decrease in breast tissue due to hormonal reasons due to aging. In this case, the inside of the breasts become empty and sagging.

• Pregnant and breastfeeding women have more sagging breasts. Since the breast tissue is filled with milk during breastfeeding, it grows together with the skin on it and the ligaments in between.

• Volume changes occur in the breasts due to excessive weight gain and loss. This causes the skin's elasticity to be affected in opposite directions, and sagging occurs.

• When the breastfeeding period ends, breast tissue that no longer produces milk returns to its pre-pregnancy state. However, the breast ligaments and skin lose their former firmness and sagging occurs.

How to Determine the Correct Breast Size and Shape?

There is no universal ideal breast size or shape. Breast tastes vary depending on people, cultures and eras. However, the common issue here is that the breasts are natural and firm, apart from the breast volume. For this reason, plastic surgeons decide together with the appropriate shape and size of people's body structures.

Things to Consider Before Breast Lift Surgery

• At this stage, it is important to discuss the expectations from the surgery, the method applied and possible problems with the plastic surgeons in detail.

• The use of birth control pills, vitamin E and aspirin should be stopped 10 days before and after the surgery, as they increase the risk of bleeding.

• If you have any disease, alcohol, smoking, drug use, hereditary breast disease or cancer, these conditions should be discussed with the physician.

• In breast lift surgeries, the breast tissue is removed as a block and moved to a different location during the shaping process. For these reasons, it is important to quit smoking before and after surgery. Smoking causes tissue death by disrupting blood circulation.

• Breast ultrasonography is required for individuals under the age of 40, and additional mammography is required for individuals over the age of 40.

What are the Risks Associated with Breast Lift Operation?

As with all surgeries, there are rare risk factors after breast lift surgery. Surgeons will take all necessary precautions to avoid these surgery-specific risks. However, although rare, infection, bleeding, fat necrosis, delayed wound healing, allergic reaction, loss of sensation in the nipple, significant complications in the surgical scar, and problems related to local and general anesthesia that can occur in all operations may occur. Complications may occur due to various factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases.

False Breast Sagging

Even if the nipple is above the lower limit of the breast, situations where the breast tissue is below the lower limit may occur. Careful discrimination during the diagnosis phase is an extremely important issue. Since it mostly occurs due to volume loss in the breast, volumizing operations are preferred instead of the lifting method.

Are Breast Enlargement and Breast Lift Surgeries Performed Together?

When deemed necessary, breast lift and breast enlargement procedures can be performed in the same surgery. Breast lift surgeries alone may not be enough to make the breast look fuller. In such cases, breast prostheses of appropriate volumes are placed in the pocket prepared behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle, in the same sessions as breast lift or at least 6 months later.

Breastfeeding After Breast Lift Surgery

It is important that the relations between the mammary gland, nipple and milk ducts are not disrupted so that the patient can breastfeed after the surgery. Breastfeeding is possible if techniques that do not harm these relationships are chosen during breast lift.

Are There Breast Lift Exercises?

It is not possible to lift the breast with sports. In addition, the chest muscles should be located in the back part of the breast, not inside it. Although the development of this muscle can be achieved through sports, it will not be possible to ensure the recovery of the mammary glands and fatty tissues in the breast through sports.

Are Breast Lift Results Permanent?

The result obtained is extremely long-lasting. It is not possible for the breast to remain firm and upright forever. New sagging problems may occur in the long term due to factors such as not using a bra, gravity, pregnancy, rapid weight changes, and aging.

There may be cases where the skin and ligaments lose their elasticity due to too much weight gain. In this case, sagging of the breast may occur again. Breast lift procedures performed on people who live a healthy life and maintain their weight will be permanent for a long time.

Effects of Breast Lift Surgery on Pregnancy

Breast lift surgery does not have a negative effect on breastfeeding during or after pregnancy. If the breast will be reduced at the same time as the breast lift, breastfeeding problems may occur. However, it is extremely important that the timing is not immediately after surgery. Cracking and sagging problems may occur in the breast skin due to excessive weight gain during pregnancy. It is very important to be prepared for such situations.

Breast Lift Prices in Turkey

Breast lift operations are performed successfully in Turkey. In addition, the procedures are extremely affordable. Since these practices are much more affordable for people coming from abroad, they are frequently preferred within the scope of health tourism. You can get information about breast lift prices, best clinics and specialist doctors in Turkey from our company.


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