Hair Transplantation in Marmaris

Hair Transplantation in Marmaris

Hair loss problems can cause undesirable situations such as lack of self-confidence in people. People who have such problems can get rid of these problems thanks to hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a frequently performed operation, especially recently. During adolescence, people may experience hair loss problems for some reasons. These problems can be psychologically distressing for people.

Hair loss problems may occur due to people's genetic structure, hormonal problems, environmental factors, stress, and the use of various medications. Hair transplantation procedures are performed to get rid of hair loss problems permanently. Hair transplantation procedures in Turkey are frequently applied today.

Why Do Hair Loss Problems Occur?

Some conditions such as hormone disorders, seasonal cycles, vitamin or iron deficiency problems, and genetic predisposition may cause hair loss. It is considered normal for adults to lose 50-100 hairs a day. Hair strands have a certain natural cycle. The hair strands fall out spontaneously within 4-6 years and healthier hair grows from the hair follicles. Continuous hair loss may be a sign of some disease conditions.

Women and men may experience hair loss problems for various reasons. Hair loss problems occur in men only due to genetic factors. Hair loss problems may occur in women due to chronic stress, hormonal disorders, unbalanced nutrition, some skin problems, some medications and cosmetic products. Women may also experience hair loss problems due to birth, breastfeeding or menopause. Since hair transplantation prices in Turkey are extremely affordable, many people today prefer to have hair transplantation done here.

Can Hair Loss Be Prevented?

In order to solve hair loss problems, the root of the problem must first be determined. It is possible to use various treatment methods planned under the supervision of a dermatologist. In addition to cosmetic products such as shampoo and cream suitable for the scalp, attention should also be paid to correct nutritional habits. External intake of vitamins and minerals that are missing in the body can also help eliminate hair loss problems.

Hair loss problems may also occur due to some chronic diseases such as thyroid disorder. In such cases, the disease must first be treated. Apart from this, depending on the severity of hair loss, applications such as drug therapy, mesotherapy, PRP or hair transplantation may also be preferred.

Why is Hair Transplantation Done?

Recommended treatments for hair loss problems may vary depending on people's various needs. Hair transplantation procedures are a preferred form of treatment for hair loss problems. For this reason, the price of hair transplantation varies depending on the procedure to be performed. In hair transplantation applications, hair follicles are taken from the nape of the neck or from various parts of the body and transplanted to areas with openness or sparsity.

It is very important that the procedure be performed by experts, under sterile conditions and in the operating room. In case of openness problems that usually occur on the forehead and crown, the hair follicles located in the stronger areas are removed with the help of local anesthesia and transplanted to the needed areas. There are no undesirable situations such as pain during hair transplantation procedures. Applications are carried out within 4-6 hours, depending on the size of the areas where the transplantation will be performed.

The procedure to be performed is extremely important in ensuring that the transplanted hair is suitable for the scalp and grows healthily. From the name of the procedure, people need to rest for a few days. A few days after hair transplantation, the transplanted hair will shed. But the roots will remain in the planted part. After the hair falls out, hair starts to grow again from the hair follicles settled in the skin.

Synthetic hair transplantation procedures can be applied without any problems to people who have problems with hair loss. In hair transplantation applications, people's own healthy hair is taken from areas where there is no problem with hair loss and transplanted to areas where hair loss problems occur. Apart from hair loss, hair transplantation applications can also be applied for thickening in areas where hair grows sparsely.

The majority of men over the age of 50 experience problems with hair loss. For this reason, hair transplantation procedures are among the commonly performed aesthetic procedures for men. However, problems related to hair loss can be seen not only in men but also in women. For this reason, hair transplantation procedures for women can be performed without any problems.

Hair loss is a genetic condition that occurs in most people. Sometimes, hair loss problems may occur due to aging, traumatic situations or various medical conditions. Regardless of the cause of hair loss problems, hair transplantation can be easily applied to all patients who have sufficient hair follicles in their body. Hair transplantation can be applied to eyebrows, beards or other hairless areas other than the head area.

How are Hair Transplant Procedures Performed?

For hair transplantation, first hair follicles are taken from the donor area. Hair follicles are mostly taken from the nape area and transplanted to the targeted areas. Hair follicles taken from the nape area are called grafts. In some cases, there may be cases where the healthy hair follicles in the nape or temple area are not sufficient for the targeted areas. If such situations occur, hair follicles can also be removed from the arm, chest or leg areas of the patient.

Hair transplantation procedures can be performed in different periods of time depending on the frequency of hair loss and the amount of hair to be transplanted. If the balding area is large, more than one session may be required to complete the treatment. Hair transplantation procedures are mostly performed under local anesthesia or sedation. After the treatment, special bandages are applied to the patients. Patients are kept under observation for 1-2 hours. They are then discharged. Although rare, pain problems may occur during hair transplantation treatment. In such cases, patients are given painkillers by the doctor. After individuals rest at home for a short period of time, the treated area can be protected with a bandage and they can return to their normal lives.

Why Does Hair Loss Occur After Hair Transplantation?

People experience hair loss within a few weeks after the hair transplantation procedure. This hair loss is an expected process. The hair follicles, which sit on the hair transplantation area and feed on blood, shed the hair in order to get rid of their excess load. These shed hairs will start to grow again within a few months.

After experiencing temporary hair loss, the transplanted hair follicles that are fed at adequate levels and settled in place will function normally. However, loss problems may occur in the original hair in the same area over time. This may cause hair density to decrease again. In such cases, hair transplantation may be needed again in the future. Hair loss may continue gradually after the hair transplantation procedure. If an unnatural appearance occurs in the new hairline area, it is possible to perform hair transplantation again.

Modern Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair transplantation process involves taking hair follicles from the back of the head and transferring them to the areas where hair loss problems occur. This process can also be considered as a displacement operation. The hair at the back of the head has the capacity to grow throughout life. For this reason, these hairs are known for being donor dominant. If these hair follicles are transferred to areas with hair loss, there will be no loss of hair growth ability.

Patients with sufficient hair follicles at the back of the head are suitable for hair transplantation. While patients who previously had hair loss problems were not suitable for hair transplantation, hair transplantation procedures have begun to be performed much more easily thanks to modern techniques. Hair transplantation procedures are very common, especially for men.

With the FUE hair transplantation method, it is desired not only to grow the transplanted follicles but also to obtain hair with a natural appearance. Hair transplantation surgery is a practice that has made significant progress recently. The use of advanced and new surgical materials and gentle and thin roots allows hair transplantation applications to be performed more successfully.

With the use of single hair roots, the hairline looks much more natural and smooth. Since new hairline creation is a procedure that requires surgical skill, it is extremely important that the procedures are performed by surgeons who are experts in their field. In people who do not experience hair loss problems, hairlines have a gentle and thin appearance. In these people, hairlines do not grow straight. There is a thickening of the roots, with the acacia facing forward.

Pain problems after hair transplantation are not a situation encountered in modern hair transplantation methods. Sometimes, conditions such as swelling around the eye and redness and crusting in the recipient area may be encountered. Bleeding, infection and scar problems are very rare. For this reason, modern hair transplantation applications attract attention with their extreme comfort. The results of these applications can be predicted in advance. Apart from this, these are applications that are liked and preferred by patients.

Hair loss problems continue for a lifetime. Hair transplantation can be performed again due to continuing hair loss problems or the desire to have thicker hair. In modern hair transplantation practices, it is possible to obtain large amounts of hair follicles in just one session. This way, patients can quickly achieve the results they want.

Are Hair Transplant Procedures Permanent?

Hair transplantation procedures are frequently preferred because they are permanent. The hair follicles transplanted during transplantation are known to be resistant to hair loss. These transplanted hairs will remain in the transplanted areas for life.

During hair transplantation, hair follicles are transplanted. There are structures within the hair follicles containing single, double, triple or more hair strands. These structures, which have anatomical integrity, help the result to look quite natural and aesthetic by using hair follicles during transplantation.

What are the Side Effects of Hair Transplantation Procedures?

Although hair transplantation side effects are not common, they may occur in some cases.

• Although rare, infection problems may occur in areas where hair is removed or hair transplantation is performed. The reason for infection problems is that the scalp is resistant to infections because it is well blooded. However, in case of infection, it is possible to eliminate these problems with antibiotics.

• Although rare, loss of sensation problems may occur, especially in hair transplantation procedures performed with the FUE technique. Thanks to appropriate treatments, this problem will disappear in a short time.

• Bleeding may occur in the area where the graft is taken or hair transplantation is performed. In order to prevent such problems from occurring, it is important to accurately evaluate the bleeding profiles of people before application. Care should be taken to discontinue medications that increase bleeding before administration.

• If the transplanted hair follicles remain on the upper part of the scalp, an undesirable appearance such as bubbles may occur in the hair area.

• In hair transplantation procedures performed with the FUT technique, tissue injury problems may occur in the areas where hair follicles are removed. This may occur if the skin is prone to this condition or if the procedures are performed with poor techniques.

• If hair follicles are transplanted, rapid hair loss problems may occur if the surrounding hair follicles are damaged. In addition, it is possible to encounter hair loss problems due to the stress of the hair transplantation operation. It is important to pay attention to the incision tools used during the procedure. Dulled tools should not be used during operations and should be replaced.

• Dermoid cyst problems are usually a problem that may occur a few weeks after the application. This problem may occur because the transplanted hair follicles are placed too deep.

• Hair follicles growing in the area where hair transplantation is performed, unrelated to the direction of growth of other hair follicles, occur due to poor hair transplantation technique. Such undesirable situations may occur as a result of not transplanting the hair at a 30-35 degree angle, based on the direction of its growth.

How to Obtain Hair Roots for Hair Transplantation?

In FUE technique applications, hair follicles are taken from the donor area between the two ears. Before hair is harvested from the donor area, local anesthesia is applied to this area so that the patients do not feel pain. The procedure is performed by implanting the hair follicles taken from the donor area into the area where the transplantation will be performed.

FUE hair transplantation technique has changed considerably since it was first used. Nowadays, the p-FUE technique applied with the use of micro motors is frequently preferred. Although very rare, procedures can be performed with biopsy needles called punch in people who are suitable for the FUE technique. In this procedure, there will be no stitch marks left in the nape area. After 1 year, the transplanted hair grows strong and healthy.

In FUT technique applications, the hair in the nape area is removed as a strip of hair. Afterwards, studies are carried out to separate the hair follicles under the microscope. The FUT technique was first used in the 1930s. In this application, there may be situations such as 5-10 cm wide surgical scars in the areas where the hair is removed. With the use of micro motors in the FUE hair transplantation method, root transsection has decreased to 1%. This application is extremely widely used all over the world. Since the success rate is high and the hair follicles are strong, there will be no hair loss after the transplantation procedure.

Recovery Period After Hair Transplantation

After hair transplantation using the FUE method, the scalp will be extremely sensitive in the first few weeks. For the healing process after hair transplantation, the scalp must be protected in the first weeks after the procedure. During this period, also called the hair retention process, it is of great importance for patients to stay away from dirty and dusty environments. Apart from this, it is also extremely important for patients to avoid alcohol and cigarette use. Care should be taken not to use any products on the scalp other than the medications and shampoos recommended by the doctor. In this way, the recovery period will be much more successful.

Hair Transplant Prices in Marmaris

Marmaris is among the touristic places of Turkey. It is frequently preferred, especially in the summer months, with its perfect nature and sea. In addition, hair transplantation procedures in Marmaris are also carried out extremely successfully. In this respect, thousands of tourists prefer Marmaris every year within the scope of health tourism. Since the prices are extremely affordable, you can have a perfect holiday and have successful hair transplantation here. You can contact us to get information about hair transplantation prices in Marmaris.



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