What is Hair Transplantation?

What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation processIt is known as a medical procedure that moves hair follicles from a donor area to a balding or thinned area of ​​the scalp. It works by removing healthy hair follicles from areas of the scalp where hair is growing and planting them in areas of the scalp where hair is thinning or bald. Transplanted hair; Since it is not affected by the normal hair loss process, it can potentially remain permanently in the planted area. Hair transplantation offers a natural and permanent solution to hair loss.

Do the Results of Hair Transplantation Have a Natural Appearance?

Yes, the results of hair transplantation are completely natural looking. This is because the procedure involves transferring existing hair follicles from donor areas and transplanting them into areas where there is baldness or thinning. The results look completely natural as it looks and feels like your own hair as well. For natural-looking results, it should be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon who knows the different techniques of the procedure and has the right tools. Done properly, the result will be indistinguishable from your original hairstyle.

Are the Results of Hair Transplantation Permanent?

Yes, the results of hair transplantation are completely permanent. Since the hair follicles are collected from the donor area, they are not affected by the normal hair loss process in any way. In short, they can stay in the planted area for life. However, more than one surgery may be required depending on the person and the degree of hair loss. At the same time, although rare, some people may experience hair loss in the donor area. For this reason, it is extremely important to discuss the benefits and risks of hair transplantation with a qualified healthcare professional beforehand.

Who are the Suitable Candidates for Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is generally suitable for people with male pattern baldness. The ideal candidate for hair transplantation is those who still have some of their own hair, since it is the place where the donor hair follicles are taken. At the same time, a good candidate for hair transplantation should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. Because the hair transplantation process cannot return the pigment to the white hair, and it cannot also create new hair follicles that did not occur before.

What is the Most Appropriate Age for Hair Transplantation Treatment?

Hair transplantation can be applied at any age. However, the most appropriate age range for treatment is usually between the ages of 25 and 45, when the rate of hair loss has slowed down. Due to the unpredictability and rapid progression of hair loss in people under the age of 25, younger people may be advised to wait. It is also of great importance that people wait for the stabilization of hair loss before starting hair transplantation treatment. This helps the doctor determine the most efficient and effective treatment plan.

How Long Does Hair Transplantation Take?

The duration of hair transplantation may vary depending on the size of the area to be treated and the number of follicular units to be transplanted. Mostly speaking, smaller treatments take only a few hours, while larger treatments can take up to 8 or 9 hours to complete the entire procedure. The duration of the hair transplant procedure should definitely be discussed with the surgeon before starting the treatment, so you can plan your program accordingly.

Things to Consider After Hair Transplantation

After hair transplantation, it is very necessary and important to follow the instructions given by the surgeon in order to keep the results as long as possible. It is also equally important to practice good scalp hygiene through regular shampooing and abstinence from smoking. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the care of your transplanted hair, it is important to talk to the transplant surgeon for the best advice and support.

2023 Hair Transplantation Prices 

The cost of a hair transplant surgery; The degree of hair loss can vary considerably depending on many different factors such as the type of treatment and desired results. The number of grafts required is also impressive. Because more grafts will cost more money. In order to have a better idea about the cost of individual hair transplantation, it would be best and correct to discuss hair transplantation prices with your doctor.

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