Antalya Tube Stomach Surgery Prices

Antalya Tube Stomach Surgery Prices

Today, surgical interventions such as sleeve gastrectomy are performed to support weight loss. This application is also known as stomach reduction surgery among the people. It is an application that is performed to restrict the food intake of the stomach and is preferred as the first step of losing weight. In addition, gastric sleeve surgery applications also have the ability to reduce the food absorption of the stomach, even if it is low.

Our mide People who have undergone the procedure have a decrease in appetite. Before weight loss occurs, there are cases where insulin resistance is broken and remains at normal levels. In this respect, there are many conveniences for people in their diets.

What is the Main Function of Tube Stomach Surgery?

Our mide application is the process of bringing the stomach in the form of a tube pipe or banana in laparoscopic procedures. When viewed from a systemic point of view, it follows a long, thin tube from the esophagus in the digestive system to all organs. The only organ that differs in this system is the stomach. The stomach is shaped like a sac, not like a pipe, in terms of serving as a warehouse for nutrition.

Our mide surgery It is the process of removing a large part of the stomach by surgical operations in terms of minimizing food intake. In this respect, it is not possible to place another object in the stomach. By shrinking the stomach, food intake is minimized.

Who Is Tube Stomach Surgery Suitable For?

In terms of deciding on sleeve gastrectomy surgery, some health conditions should be considered. People between the ages of 18-65, people with a body mass index over 40, people with severe obesity tube stomach procedure applicable. It is also possible to apply these procedures to people who have Type 2 diabetes problems due to excess weight.

Gastric sleeve surgery can be applied by doctors to patients who have sleep apnea or hypertension problems due to excess weight. These applications are not an application for aesthetic concerns or to look weak.

How is Tube Stomach Procedure Performed?

Our mide surgery It is an application that is mostly performed under general anesthesia. In addition, these procedures are performed with a closed, that is, laparoscopic method. After the decision to have an operation, the necessary examinations, controls and analyzes are performed on the patients. If all data are normal, patients tube mide surgery there is no problem with it.

Depending on the body structure of the patients during the surgery, operations are performed with 1 or 4-5 incisions. Since these laparoscopic incisions are quite small, there is no problem on the skin surface in terms of aesthetics. In addition, there is no such thing as a trace.

Gastric reduction in his surgeries A tube is placed at the entrance of the stomach, equal to the diameter of the esophagus, in order not to reduce the stomach too much. This tube is medically called the calibration tube. In this way, the process of reducing the stomach to be the continuation of the esophagus is performed. Thus, the occurrence of undesirable negative factors such as stenosis or congestion in the stomach is prevented.

After the necessary precautions are taken, the stomach is cut from length to length. After the completion of the procedure, the calibration tube placed at the entrance of the stomach is removed in the first stage of the operation. Afterwards, special techniques are applied to check whether there is a leak in any part of the stomach. Since general anesthesia is applied to the patients during the surgery, it is not possible for people to feel pain or pain. After the operation, patients do not experience serious pain. Gastric surgeries Since it is performed in a closed, that is, laparoscopic way, it is possible to perform the procedures without the need to cut the abdominal muscles and membranes. It is normal to have tension or pressure in the stomach in the first periods following the surgery. In this case, it is possible to eliminate these problems by using painkillers. There is no problem in patients starting to walk in the evening of the surgery day.

How Long Does Stomach Reduction Surgery Take?

Tube stomach treatment is carried out in a period of 1,5 hours under normal conditions. Laparoscopic procedures are performed without any damage to the organ. Since the inlet and outlet parts of the stomach are protected and continuity in the digestive system is ensured, the risk situations after sleeve gastrectomy are also extremely low.

Tube Stomach Surgery Applications

Our mide Surgery is a procedure applied to patients with advanced stage obesity, who have a body mass index above 50 kg/m2 and are called super obese. Apart from this, people with a body mass index of less than 50 kg/m2 but still in the obese category can safely have sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Our mide surgery The vast majority of people with diabetes lose more than half of their weight in a short period of 1 year. The complication rates due to the operation are only around 8%. Therefore tube mide surgery It is one of the generally safe practices for obesity patients. In addition, 66% of the patients show that the symptoms related to diabetes completely disappear. In addition, it is seen that the general health status of the patients improves rapidly.

Our mide in surgery By reducing the stomach volume of the patients, the amount of food that people can consume at once and their calorie intake are restricted. For this reason, it is one of the most preferred applications in bariatric surgery. This application is known as sleeve gastrectomy in medical language. In this application, approximately 85% of the stomach is cut and removed by the stapler line, which starts from the lower part of the stomach called the antrum and ends in terms of proximal sensation, and the gastric capacity is reduced in this way. Since the appearance of the stomach resembles a tube after this operation, this application is tube mide surgery is called.

Sleeve gastrectomy process It is made by laparoscopic methods, by applying a small incision on the abdominal wall and entering through this incision. Since it does not require open surgical intervention, both the recovery times are short and the risks of infection due to surgery are reduced. In this respect, it is one of the most advantageous applications for patients. It helps to experience serious weight loss even in cases of advanced obesity. In addition, it is possible to preserve all the sphincter muscles around the gastric valve. Thus, it has the feature of protecting the separation between the stomach and the esophagus. With this feature, it is much more advantageous than other bariatric surgery methods.

How Much Weight Is Lost in Tube Stomach Surgery?

In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, only the gastric capacity is reduced, thereby restricting food and calorie intake. In addition, as with some other methods, nutrient absorption in the intestines is not affected. In treatments where nutrient absorption is affected, people may experience many disease conditions, especially iron deficiency anemia. Therefore tube mide surgery In addition to treating obesity, it also has the feature of protecting the general health integrity of people. In this respect, it is extremely reliable compared to other methods.

In addition, ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone, is a hormone secreted from the part of the stomach called the gastric fundus, and a large part of the gastric fundus is removed in the sleeve gastrectomy procedure. As a result, there is a decrease in the amount of hunger hormones secreted from the stomach. After the operation, the appetite of the patients decreases considerably compared to the past. With all these effects, weight loss is experienced very quickly and permanently after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Thanks to the effect of slimming, physical and mental relief in the quality of life of people is visibly noticed. People who are overweight lose most of their excess weight within 1 year after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In morbidly obese patients, these rates vary between 40-50 kilograms. After surgery, three-quarters of obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea, and more than half of high blood pressure problems as well as high blood fats are reduced. There are cases of improvement of most of the knee pain problems and leg varicose veins. With the onset of weight loss, these recovery processes go away on their own without the need for any other treatment. People experience rapid improvement in their general health.

What are the Risks of Tube Stomach Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery generally has mild to moderate risks among all surgeries. Most of the patients do not experience any problems after the operation. Complication rates in these surgeries also vary around 2%. Since the surgery is performed with a closed technique, patients get up on the same day. In addition, it will be sufficient for people to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days.

patients tube mide surgery After a few weeks, they can easily return to their normal lives. It is an application with extremely good tracking results. Patients begin to lose weight rapidly after surgery. In a short period of time, such as a few months, people lose weight.

Is There Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Our mide surgery Since it is a laparoscopic procedure performed under general anesthesia, it is extremely safe compared to other surgical procedures. In addition, the complication risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery are much less compared to applications such as handcuffs. In addition, it is a very advantageous method as it provides permanent weight loss for a long time. Our mide method With the discovery of the handcuffs and similar applications began to be used. Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most preferred beriatric surgery methods with all its advantages. Patients return to their normal lives in a short time after a few days of hospitalization.

Will there be any re-expansion in the stomach after gastric sleeve surgery?

With sleeve gastrectomy, 80-85% of the stomach is removed. In this way, the stomach volume is reduced to approximately 100 ml. After the operation, there is a slight increase in stomach capacity. However, when nutrition is not carried out in accordance with the physician's recommendations, there are cases of excessive growth of the stomach. In this case, patients begin to regain the weight they lost quickly after the surgery. Our mide from his surgeries In order to see the best benefits, it is very important to follow the nutrition plans prepared by the doctors in the postoperative period.

Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

In the first 10-14 days after sleeve gastrectomy, patients should be fed completely with liquid. Afterwards, people should follow the diet programs prepared for them together with metabolism and endocrinology specialists in order to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If the stomach is forced in terms of nutrition, there may be cases of re-expansion. In this case, it is inevitable to gain weight again. In this case, protein selection is one of the important nutrients in nutrition after the operation. Attention should be paid to the daily consumption of protein amounts to be determined for individuals.

Protein-rich foods such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, as well as milk and dairy products should be preferred. It is very important to include foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts in the diet in addition to a protein-based diet. People should eat at least 3 meals a day. In addition to these meals, it is also important to have 2 snacks. Thus, the stomach will not be hungry and since there is no overfilling, the metabolism will work quickly.

Apart from this, it is necessary to be careful not to leave the body without fluid. It is extremely important for people to consume at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. In addition, nutritional, mineral and vitamin supplements should be used if deemed necessary by the doctor.

Our mide your surgery and then regaining weight is around 15%. For this reason, medical checks should be done very carefully so that people who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy surgery do not gain weight again. Our mide surgery Patients with obesity should be followed closely by an obesity team.

What is Revision Surgery after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Revision surgery is performed due to various complications such as weight regain, stenosis or leakage after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. The most important reason for revision surgery is that people experience weight gain problems again.

The most important reasons for people to regain weight are not following the people adequately, as well as insufficient information of the patients or non-compliance with the process. Correct selection of revision surgeries applied to individuals is extremely important. Revision surgeries are technically more difficult than gastric reduction surgeries. Revision surgeries are also frequently performed as obesity surgeries are increasing nowadays.

Since the abdominal muscles and membranes are not cut in laparoscopic operations, there is no serious pain after the operation. Painkillers are administered to people for pain conditions that may occur after surgery.

People who have gastric sleeve surgery start walking in the evening of the day they are operated. Mostly, on the 2nd day, patients do not experience serious pain. People may experience tension and pressure sensations on the first day after surgery. In such cases, it will be sufficient to apply painkillers to the patients.

What are the Risks of Leakage After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After bariatric surgery, patients are given a radio-opaque liquid orally. In this way, it is easier to check whether there is any leakage in the stomach. It is important for all patients to stay in the hospital for three days after the surgery and to be followed closely.

When patients are discharged after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery, they should definitely see a specialist doctor in case of unexplained fever and new abdominal pain.

Exercise After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Adoption of regular sports programs performed under expert supervision after sleeve gastrectomy surgery plays a major role in the success of obesity surgeries. In this way, healing will also occur quickly. However, it can be difficult for people who have not had the habit of exercising before to adopt exercise programs. However, with the loss of excess weight and the patients doing the exercises they love, they gain the habit of sports more easily.

Our mide your surgery Then, individual exercise programs should be created. Patients should never start sports without doctor's approval. It is important for patients to start exercises gradually, approximately 3 months after the surgery. In order to lose weight quickly, movements should not be done for longer than recommended.

Antalya Tube Stomach Surgery

Antalya is among the important tourism cities of Turkey. In addition, Antalya is one of the most preferred cities in health tourism, as it is very successful in gastric sleeve surgery. Our mide surgery When you choose Antalya for your holiday, you can both have your holiday at affordable prices and have your surgery in the best way. You can contact us for detailed information about tube stomach surgery prices in Antalya.


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