Tube Stomach Surgery Treatment

Tube Stomach Surgery Treatment

Gastric sleeve surgery It is one of the most frequently preferred surgical interventions today. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the stomach takes the form of a long tube that looks like a banana. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, 80% of the stomach is removed with the laparoscopic method. In this way, food intake is also restricted. In addition, the low levels of sleeve gastrectomy surgery also reduce food absorption. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, people's appetite decreases. In addition, even without weight loss, people's insulin resistance is broken.

How Long Does Stomach Reduction Surgery Take?

Gastric sleeve surgery It takes about 1,5 hours on average. In this process, continuity in the digestive systems is ensured by protecting the exit and entrance directions of the stomach. It is often preferred today because of the low risks and less side effects after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Which of the Gastric Reduction Surgeries Is Most Preferred?

Gastric sleeve gastrectomy is one of the operations with proven effectiveness and low risk. For this reason, it is often preferred today. This process is one of the oldest methods applied for 15 years. name in medicine sleeve gastrectomy also known as

One of the most preferred ones among the stomach reduction applications today is gastric bypass is named. Gastric bypass is currently used only in special cases. This method is preferred first in cases where type 2 diabetes is at the forefront and in cases of long-term insulin use, especially in people with a high body mass index. Apart from these, gastric bypass method is applied as a second operation to patients who regain weight after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Who is suitable for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

People who will have sleeve gastrectomy surgery must meet certain conditions. Those with a body mass index over 40 kg/m2 are called morbidly obese, and sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be applied to these people. It can be applied to people whose body mass index is between 35-40, but who have type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypertension problems due to obesity, as well as people who have obesity-related type 2 diabetes and metabolism disorder and whose body mass index is between 30-35. Obesity surgeries They are not applications for aesthetic purposes, that is, only for the weakening of people.

Up to What Age Is Tube Stomach Surgery Suitable?

Gastric reduction surgery is a method that can be applied to people between the ages of 18-65. In order for people to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery, their body mass index must be above 35. For people under the age of 18, the presence of various diseases is an important issue besides the degree of obesity. Apart from the physician's decisions, these individuals must also obtain parental consent.

In people over the age of 65, the health status and whether the surgery is necessary should be evaluated and the surgery should be decided in this way.

What is Revision Surgery after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgery revision surgery It is performed due to various complications such as weight gain, leakage, or stenosis. Revision surgeries are mostly performed in cases of regaining weight.

Among the reasons why patients gain weight back are not being followed adequately after the operation, insufficient information or not following the doctor's recommendations even if they are conscious. For this reason, 20% to 30% of patients experience weight gain problems.

It is extremely important to choose the revision surgeries to be applied correctly. From a technical point of view, these surgeries are much more difficult. Therefore, it is extremely important that it is performed by experienced surgeons. Today obesity surgery Due to the increase in the number of revision surgeries, it has started to be performed frequently.

This surgery is recommended for patients who have relapsed diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as regaining weight. While deciding on the type of surgery, it would be much more accurate to talk to the patient and decide in this way.

Do Patients Feel Pain After Tube Stomach Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery Today it is performed laparoscopically. This procedure is performed with the help of very small incisions by puncturing the abdomen. Laparoscopy is also called closed surgery. This procedure can also be easily performed with robotic surgery.

Return to Normal Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery There is no question of cutting the abdominal muscles and the membrane in its applications. Therefore, serious pain situations will not be experienced after the surgery. After the surgery, patients are given painkillers to help them get through the process more easily.

Gastric sleeve surgery They can start walking on the evening of the procedure. In most cases, there will be no serious pain on the second day of surgery. In the first days, the patient may feel pressure and tension. This situation can be relieved with painkillers.

Is There Any Scar After Tube Stomach Surgery?

Since sleeve gastrectomy surgery is performed with a closed method, only a small incision scar may occur in the abdomen. These lines will also appear in a very short time.

How Much Weight Is Losed After Tube Stomach Surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgeryMore than half of the excess weight is lost 5 years after the operation. This method draws attention as it is equivalent to gastric bypass in the weight loss phase. Since the problems of absorption disorder are much less than the bypass procedure, continuous vitamin and mineral support is required after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In case the sleeve gastrectomy surgery loses its effect in the long term, there will be weight gain again. In such a case, gastric bypass is preferred for the second operation.

Will Weight Gain Again After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgery There may be cases of weight regain. There is a 5-10% chance of being morbidly obese after the surgery. For this reason, patients who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy should be kept under observation by specialists in order to prevent them from gaining weight again.

A place where people who have gastric sleeve surgery are dietitians and psychologists. obesity team It is extremely important to be followed by Thanks to this approach, which aims to monitor patients for life, support is provided against situations that may cause patients to gain weight or negatively affect their health.

How is Tube Stomach Surgery Performed with Robotic Surgery?

If surgery is recommended by the general surgeon for weight control, these people robotic surgery Can be a candidate for bariatric surgeries performed using With robot-assisted laparoscopy surgery, patients can be intervened in desired ways with small incisions. Robotic surgery is a method used in many fields of medicine such as urology, gynecology, cardiac surgery, general surgery. With this method, various procedures can be applied to morbidly obese patients.

What are the Differences Between Tube Stomach and Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass surgeries It is applied to patients with severe diabetes mellitus and serious wounds in the esophagus for many years. Gastric bypass surgeries, which have a history of 20 years, have now been replaced by sleeve gastrectomy surgeries.

One of the important reasons for the widespread use of sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be expressed as the anatomical structure. In gastric bypass surgery, besides the reduction of the stomach, the gallbladder and intestinal branches are also replaced. In this way, there is a restriction in the food intake of the patients. In sleeve gastrectomy, a part of the stomach is removed, including the part where the hunger hormones are secreted. As there is no change in the intestines, there is no change in the anatomical structure.

If the patients are not followed well after both surgeries, problems with weight gain may occur again. Weight gain problem Revision of sleeve gastrectomy surgeries is an important issue. However, it is not possible to repeat gastric bypass surgery due to changing the anatomical structure.

There are several risks specific to gastric bypass, such as ulceration at the gastric jejunum junction or entanglement of the intestines. However, the risk rates in sleeve gastrectomy surgeries are very low. In addition, after gastric bypass surgery, problems such as mineral, protein, vitamin deficiency and diarrhea are more common than tube stomach surgery.

What are the Risks of Tube Stomach Surgery?

Gastric reduction surgery risks This is an issue that is wondered by people who will have this procedure done. Although rare, patients may experience leakage or bleeding problems after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Since such situations can threaten the lives of patients, it is important to intervene quickly. If these complications occur, corrective actions should be taken quickly.

Gastric sleeve surgeries major surgical operations passes as. As in other major surgical operations, some risky situations may occur after the operation. The risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery vary depending on the weight and age of the people.

When we consider the risks of gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery, the risk of death of this operation is extremely low. The risk in this procedure is as much as the risk in the removal of the gallbladder. Before gastric sleeve surgery people are informed about the risks of sleeve gastrectomy by specialist doctors. Obesity surgeries are not applications performed for aesthetic purposes. Since the lifespan of morbidly obese patients is shortened by 10-15 years due to obesity, the risks associated with obesity are much higher than the risks of tube stomach surgery.

The risks of fatty liver, diabetes, blood pressure disease and kidney diseases will be eliminated in people who have gastric sleeve surgery. For this reason, it is a procedure that has a low risk of stomach reduction surgery and reduces the risk of other surgeries.

Leak Symptoms in Gastric Sleeve Surgery

After obesity surgeries, patients are given a liquid to drink by mouth. This liquid is extremely important in terms of following the leakage problems in the stomach. The patients are kept under observation in the hospital for 3 days after the surgery. In this process, they are closely followed by specialist surgeons.

People who have gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy surgery should be careful about two things after they are discharged from the hospital. These;

·         fever of unknown origin

·         New onset abdominal pain

If these symptoms occur after sleeve gastrectomy, patients should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Nutrition After Gastric Reduction Surgery

Patients Nutrition after stomach reduction surgery It is extremely important to be careful. It is very important for patients to adopt a new lifestyle in the success of gastric surgery. Diet programs created in cooperation with endocrinology and metabolism specialists should be strictly followed. In addition, if necessary, patients should regularly use vitamin and mineral supplements.

Protein has an extremely important place in nutrition after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Care should be taken to consume approximately 60 grams of protein per day. Not skipping meals is one of the issues to be considered. Patients should take care to consume at least 3 meals a day. In addition to 3 main meals, 2 snacks should be consumed. In this way, the stomach is not overfilled and works quickly in metabolism.

After sleeve gastrectomy, it is important for patients to take care to eat while sitting at the dinner table. At least half an hour should be reserved for main courses. Care should be taken not to eat on the kitchen counter, in front of the TV or in front of the computer.

It is extremely important that the food is prepared in small portions in small pieces. Care should be taken to use small plates, forks and spoons in order to avoid eating too much food. Food should be eaten slowly and it is extremely important to chew well. Care should be taken not to keep serving dishes and pots on the table.

It is an important issue to consume at least 6-8 glasses of calorie-free, caffeine-free and non-carbonated beverages per day. It would be better not to drink anything about half an hour before meals. In this way, stomach problems are prevented.

It is important to regularly use the vitamins and minerals recommended by the specialist doctor who performed the surgery. No other drugs or supplements should be taken without asking the doctor. Gastric surgeries should not be seen as a diet. If attention is paid to healthy eating habits, patients will start to lose weight gradually.

Exercise After Stomach Reduction

Exercise after stomach reduction surgery care should be taken to do so. Regular sports programs carried out under the supervision of specialists play a major role in the success of bariatric surgeries. It can be difficult for people who have not exercised before to adopt a program. It will be much easier to gain the habit of doing sports by losing extra weight and as people do the sports they love.

Doing sports after stomach surgery It is important to pay attention to the basic principles.

·         Patients should not start sports without the approval of the doctor. In addition, it is important to consult a doctor about the exercises planned to be done.

·         It is necessary to start exercising approximately 3 months after the operation. In order to lose weight fast, sports should never be done for longer than recommended.

·         The ideal exercise for patients in the early stages after surgery will be walking. Care should be taken to walk at the time and pace recommended by the doctors.

·         If the doctor approves 6 weeks after the surgery, weight lifting and abdominal movements can be started.

·         It is very important for people to take care of doing the exercises they love. These exercises help develop muscle and bone structure. In addition, it also increases the fitness of people.

·         Swimming and fitness are ideal for people who have had stomach reduction surgery.

Is Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Required in Tube Stomach Surgery?

Multivitamin use after gastric sleeve surgery It should be in the form of melting in the mouth during the first 1 month. Patients who have gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery should have their blood values ​​checked regularly by specialist doctors. After this surgery, patients should always be followed by nutrition and diet specialists.

After the surgery, people should stay away from foods such as pasta, rice, carbohydrates, and bread. Regular exercise is extremely important. Apart from this, it is an important issue to consume meals in the form of small meals and frequently. Patients should avoid caloric liquid foods. If patients violate the nutritional rules after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the desired success cannot be achieved.

After the surgical operation, people can move much more comfortably because they lose weight. As their lungs relax, it is possible for them to exert better effort.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Turkey is among the highly developed countries in terms of medicine. For this reason, many international tourists prefer to have gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey. Due to the high foreign exchange in the country, treatment, eating, drinking and accommodation costs are extremely affordable. Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey You can contact our company for more detailed information.


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