Why is Gastric Sleeve Made?

Why is Gastric Sleeve Made?

It is risky for different health problems such as obesity problems, stroke, stroke, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and infertility. For this reason, it is an important issue for people with obesity problems to lose weight and achieve their ideal weight. gastric sleeve It draws attention with the fact that it is a surgical procedure performed for this purpose.

A multifactorial approach including exercise, nutrition and medical treatments is required for obesity patients to lose weight. obesity surgery was established for this purpose.

What is Gastric Sleeve?

gastric sleeve Vertical sleeve gastrectomy, with its other name, is among the bariatric surgery types. This procedure is mostly performed by laparoscopic methods. In total, it is generally known as closed surgery. In this surgery, several small holes are made in the abdomen of the patients. By inserting various instruments from here, approximately 80% of the stomach is removed. The remaining stomach will be about the size of a banana in terms of size and shape.

sleeve gastrectomy Thanks to the stomach size reduction process is performed. In this way, it is ensured that the amount of food consumed is limited. In addition, thanks to the reduction in stomach size, some hormonal changes will occur that help to lose weight. These changes will help people to fall to their ideal weight after surgery or to stay in their ideal weight.

Why is Gastric Sleeve Performed?

As with all bariatric surgeries gastric sleeve application It is performed not for an aesthetic appearance but because of the risk of health problems. If obesity problems are not treated, some diseases that will cause serious harm to health occur. These;

·         Infertility

·         Heart diseases

·         Cancer

·         Hypertension

·         Stroke

·         High cholesterol

·         Type 2 diabetes

·         obstructive sleep apnea

Gastric sleeve procedure It has the feature of being a surgical procedure performed in order to prevent the complications that may occur due to obesity as well as weight loss of the patients.

Surgical methods are not used primarily for obese individuals to lose weight. First of all, studies are carried out for patients to lose weight with exercise and nutrition. In patients who cannot lose enough weight with the help of these methods, it is necessary to turn to surgical methods. Gastric sleeve surgery In order to be eligible, the physical characteristics of the patients should be as follows.

·         Having a body mass index of 40 and above, that is, extreme obesity

·         Having a body mass index between 35 and 39.9 and people having diseases such as type 2 diabetes, severe sleep apnea, hypertension

·         In patients with a body mass index of 30-34, gastric sleeve method may be preferred if there are serious health problems due to weight.

obesity treatment It is not performed only by surgical methods. It is an important issue for people who will have gastric sleeves to make permanent changes in their lifestyles. After the operation, patients should have a balanced and regular diet. In addition, regular exercise is also an extremely important issue. In addition, it is important to follow up regularly against vitamin and mineral deficiencies after surgery.

What are the Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure gastric sleeve surgery also has some risks. There are short and long risk periods brought by this process. Effects that may occur in the short term after gastric sleeve;

·         Leakage in the operated part of the stomach

·         excessive bleeding

·         Respiratory distress due to lungs or other organs

·         Infection

·         blood clot formation

·         Anesthesia related side effects problems

Complications that may occur in the long term after gastric sleeve surgery;

·         Mumps

·         Obstruction problems in the stomach and intestinal line

·         malnutrition problems

·         hernia

·         Problems with low blood sugar

·         Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastric sleeve surgeries, although rare, can also lead to the end of life.

How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

Before gastric sleeve There are some applications that need to be done. A few days before the day of surgery, patients should follow their physical exercise program. In addition, if patients smoke, it is important that they abandon these habits before surgery.

Eating and drinking should be restricted just before the operation. This procedure is routinely performed in all surgeries. In addition, medications that patients regularly use may need to be discontinued before surgery under physician control. Gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. Therefore, patients do not feel or hear anything.

Gastric sleeve surgery It is mostly performed laparoscopically. In laparoscopic methods, several incisions of 1-2 cm in length are made on the abdomen of the patients. Surgical instruments used to reduce the size of the stomach are inserted through these incisions. In addition, a thin tube with a long camera is inserted and the inside is viewed.

Camera images are projected onto the screen. Thanks to these images, the surgeon removes part of the stomach. The remaining part of the stomach is closed by suturing. Laparoscopic surgery it heals much faster and there will be less surgical scars. However, depending on the patients and the surgeon, sometimes open surgery may be preferred for gastric sleeve surgery. In open surgery, a larger incision is made in the abdomen. The process of reducing the size of the stomach is performed from this open area.

Gastric sleeve method It takes approximately 1-2 hours. After the surgery, the patients are followed closely for any complications. It is a very important issue that this surgery is performed in a well-equipped hospital. After the surgery, patients can be discharged within a few days depending on their general condition.

What Should Be Done After Gastric Sleeve?

Post gastric sleeve In the first week, care should be taken to feed the patients with sugar-free and gas-free liquids. After the first week, patients can start to consume semi-solid and semi-liquid foods that are gradually mashed.

Patients need to wait approximately 4 weeks to start eating the foods they ate before the surgery. In order to prevent nutrient deficiency problems due to the reduction of stomach size, people should be given a multivitamin twice a day and a calcium supplement once a day. B12 supplementation should be applied once a month in the form of injections.

In the few months after the surgery, patients need to go to the doctor's control frequently. In these controls, the general health status, blood values ​​and nutritional habits of the patients are checked.

3 to 6 months after surgery rapid weight loss There may be some changes in patients due to These;

·         Mood swings

·         Body pain issues

·         Hair loss and thinning of hair

·         Fatigue

·         dry skin

What are the Gastric Sleeve Results?

Gastric sleeve results It is a subject of interest to patients. This method allows patients to get long-term results. How much weight people will lose thanks to the surgery is related to how much their lifestyles have changed. Within two years after the surgery, patients get rid of more than half of their excess weight.

After gastric sleeve surgery If patients do not make changes in their lifestyle, they will not lose enough weight. In addition, there may be situations such as regaining the lost weight.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey

Turkey is a highly developed country in bariatric surgery. For this reason, many international tourists prefer Turkey every year for both treatment and vacation. gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey You can contact us to get detailed information about.


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