What is Rhinoplasty and Why Is It Done?

What is Rhinoplasty and Why Is It Done?

rhinoplasty It is mostly known as rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty. This procedure requires a high level of creative talent and the expertise of plastic surgery. Although rhinoplasty is a very sensitive procedure, it is among the most preferred operations today.

What Exactly Is Nose Aesthetics?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the nasal skeleton and replace the underlying tissues in order to improve the function and shape of the nose. Some people choose to have nose surgery to balance the rest of the nose and facial features. Others need this procedure to breathe more calmly and clearly.

Since the approaches to rhinoplasty in Turkey are a combination of high quality care, therapeutic work surgery and medical process, these procedures are designed by the surgeon according to the needs and expectations of the patients.

Closed Rhinoplasty in Istanbul

closed rhinoplasty in Istanbul It involves making incisions in the nasal layer in various areas to gain access to different parts of the nasal structure. Since the incision is made through the nose, the nose structure is not exposed. This is a situation that will limit the surgeon's vision.

closed rhinoplasty During surgery, plastic surgeons perform procedures using endoscopes to improve their perspective. This procedure is performed to relieve respiratory problems caused by nasal abnormalities such as nasal protrusions and uneven nostrils. In addition, patients enter a faster recovery process after this nose surgery. After the surgery, the appearance of the scars of the patients is also minimized.

Open Rhinoplasty in Istanbul

open rhinoplasty in Istanbul In order to obtain the structural frame of the nose, a small incision is made in the connection areas between the nostrils. The most important advantages of open rhinoplasty are that the plastic surgeon can clearly see the nose arrangement.

Open rhinoplasty surgery It helps to correct nasal abnormalities such as size, shape or angle in the nasal bone and around the cartilage. In this way, face consistency will be achieved by reshaping.

What are the Advantages of Rhinoplasty?

·         Studies are carried out to improve the size of the nose.

·         People's breathing is improved.

·         A new shape is made to the nostrils.

·         Studies are carried out to eliminate the problems related to the septum.

·         Reduction of the tip of the nose is performed.

·         It has extremely positive effects on general facial aesthetics.

·         It helps to reduce the bridge.

·         It helps to improve balance and harmony among other facial features.

What Are the Risks of Rhinoplasty?

·         Various complications can occur in anesthesia.

·         Complications that require a second rhinoplasty may occur.

·         Bleeding may be seen.

·         Improper healing or noticeable scarring may occur.

·         Infections may occur.

·         Patients may be dissatisfied with the results.

·         Numbness and pain problems may occur in the surgical area.

·         Skin discoloration problems may occur.

·         Difficulty breathing may occur.

What are the Differences Between Closed and Open Rhinoplasty in Turkey?

The purpose of rhinoplasty surgery is to harmonize the nose with the rest of the face. If people have shortness of breath problems, studies can be done to repair the structure of the root, arch, nasal tip or hole. It is not possible to show everyone's nose in the same way. The nose should be flawless as a whole with the face. In addition, it is an important issue to have features that are suitable for facial features, natural and fulfilling their duties. What is the difference between closed and open rhinoplasty The question is asked by people who want to have this procedure. 

Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey It is extremely popular all over the world. Deformations and breathing difficulties that occur as a result of injury can be eliminated with treatment. In this way, better breathing and changing the appearance of the nose structure can be performed. As a result, people get rhinoplasty to correct the problems that occur in their noses and also to look more attractive.

Nose in rhinoplasty It may be possible to change the structure of the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose. In addition, it is possible to perform various operations such as shortening or widening the nose. Different codifications on the nostrils can also be performed simply and quickly.

Is Closed Rhinoplasty Better than Open Rhinoplasty?

Generally, surgeons believe that closed rhinoplasty is significantly more invasive than open rhinoplasty because the necessary surgical procedures are performed inside the nostrils. In closed rhinoplasty, most operations are completed much faster than open rhinoplasty. Therefore, recovery times are also shorter.

In general, patients talk about some numbness at the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty. However, with closed rhinoplasty, numbness is very difficult to perceive. In closed rhinoplasty surgery risk of external scarring not found. Therefore, closed rhinoplasty is very attractive for most patients.

Closed rhinoplasty is a much more challenging technique of rhinoplasty. However, thanks to surgeons with extensive training and experience, this procedure is performed in an extremely short time and easily.

What is Barbie Rhinoplasty?

barbie nose surgery It is a rhinoplasty surgery that has been popular in recent years and mostly uses implants. In this procedure, the drooping tip of the nose is sharpened. In addition, a flat bridge gives height to the nose. In case of successful application, it is possible to obtain a very natural and elegant result.

barbie rhinoplasty Suitable for anyone over the age of 18. This procedure includes significant nose reduction. For this reason, the facial features of people who are considering surgery are a very important issue. In this way, the nose with the golden ratio suitable for the face can be designed.

Barbie Nose Procedure

The nose is one of the important organs in the human face. This organ is located in the middle of the face. For this reason, it has great importance in aesthetic appearance. barbie nose app It is not performed solely for aesthetic purposes. It also has the feature of allowing people to breathe better.

Before surgery, surgeons take patients' facial measurements and have them digitally drawn. This drawing is transferred instead of the nose of the patients and studies are carried out to determine whether it is suitable for the patients. At this stage, it is extremely important for the patient and the surgeon. It is necessary to decide at this stage which procedure is the right one for the patients. Barbie rhinoplasty can be performed with open or closed method. Open rhinoplasty is the most preferred method.

By opening the nose, bone and cartilage are rearranged. When the nose reaches the desired smallness and fold, the nose is stitched back into place and the process is completed.

Barbie Nose Recovery Time

Recovery time after surgery takes approximately 1 month. Two days after the operation, patients may experience bruising, bleeding and swelling. This is one of the most common complications after surgery.

For this reason, patients are generally advised to press with an ice pack after surgery. This helps to reduce edema.

Rhinoplasty Surgery Prices in Turkey

Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey is quite affordable compared to the prices of other countries. With low living costs and high exchange rates, the treatment of patients will come at much more affordable prices. In addition, non-treatment costs are also noteworthy because they are extremely affordable. Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey You can contact us to get information about.


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