What You Need to Know About Neck Lift Surgery

What You Need to Know About Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift The operation is a procedure in which the entire neck skin, including the jowl area under the chin, as well as subcutaneous fat and muscle tissues are stretched, and excess tissues are removed, in order to correct problems such as sagging, loosening and wrinkles in the neck area.

neck lift surgery It can be performed alone or, if needed, in combination with blepharoplasty, face lift, facial fat injection, filler applications, botox. In this way, it is possible to achieve successful results.

To Whom Is Neck Lift Surgery Applied?

The healthy and youthful appearance of the face and neck disappears over time due to various factors such as environmental conditions, genetic factors, gravity, frequent weight gain and loss, smoking, age and stress. There are cases such as sagging of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues, loss of volume, loss of elasticity, and the appearance of wrinkles.

neck lift operation A tighter, elegant and smoother appearance is obtained for the neck and chin. Even if no different changes are made in the face area, stretching the wrinkled or sagging neck helps to change the appearance of people dramatically. In this way, patients gain a much younger appearance. A neck lift provides a better jawline that covers the rest of the face. It also helps to correct the balancing of facial features.

Preparations Before Neck Lift Surgery

As before any surgery, a detailed physical examination should be performed by the physician in neck lift surgery. The surgical technique is explained to the patients in detail by the physicians. In addition, patients should inform their doctors about the diseases they have, the operations they have had before, and the drugs they use.

Before the operation, patients should stop taking blood thinners and similar drugs under the control of a doctor for a certain period of time. Because with this drug, it causes much more bleeding during and after the surgery.

Neck liftSince it is an operation that requires anesthesia, people should take a break from their diet 6 hours before the operation. Doctors will inform patients about how long this period will be.

The upper age limit for neck and face lift surgeries depends on the suitability of the people for surgery. Anyone who does not have any health problems that will prevent the surgery can easily have this surgery. Smoking of patients before and after surgery causes deterioration in blood flow. This negatively affects the quality of healing. Therefore, care should be taken not to smoke before and after the surgery.

How is Neck Lift Surgery Performed?

Neck stretchingIt is performed in 3-5 hours on average under general anesthesia. In neck lift surgery, incisions are made starting from the front of the ear. It is performed by curling from the lower part of the earlobe to the back of the ear and moving into the scalp or by making an incision under the chin.

Here, the loose and reticulated structures and muscle tissue under the skin and on the muscle tissue are also intervened and tightening is achieved. After the skin stretching is done, the excess is removed and the reshaping process is performed. In this way, a significant tension occurs not only in the neck but also in the face area. Plastic pipes called drains are used to prevent blood accumulation in the surgical field.

The neck area may also appear drooping with excessive lubrication of the jowl. Significant changes occur in the appearance of the neck region with the jowl liposuction procedure performed in the jowl area at a young age.

Period After Neck Lift Surgery

After 4-6 hours after the operation, the patient can start feeding and walking. The drains placed during the surgery are usually removed after 1-2 days. The bandages made after the surgery stay for approximately one week. After the operation, there may be mildly painful conditions that can be managed with painkillers.

Neck lift The healing processes of bruises and swellings after surgery vary according to the skin structure of the people. Generally, bruises last up to 1 week. After that, a gradual decrease occurs. Ice applications recommended by doctors should be applied in order to reduce swelling conditions more quickly.

Since the scars that occur after the surgery will remain in the front and back of the ear, they are not very obvious. Between 6-12 months, these scars become almost invisible. It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the drugs to be used after the procedure.

Face and Neck Lift

While face and neck lift can be performed alone, both face and neck deformation are observed in some patients. In such cases, face and neck lift operations are provided within the same surgery. The incisions made in the facelift operation are extended towards the scalp behind the ear. The neck skin and muscles are stretched by pulling upwards. The excess skin is collected and the incision is closed. In face and neck lift operations, liposuction can also be applied to the areas where there is fat in the jowl area.

Suspension Technique

Suspension is one of the most preferred techniques in recent years. This method is frequently used in face and neck aesthetics. These hangers consist of medical ropes with protrusions that are used to hold the tissues on them.

The slings are placed under the skin using very fine needles. These cling to the tissues and help to pull the tissues upwards. In this way, the skin has a much more taut appearance. Medical slings are made of natural acids. They dissolve spontaneously under the skin within 8-12 months after use.

As the slings melt and turn into connective tissue, sagging may occur again. Because hanging technique It should be repeated in 8 to 12 months. There is no such thing as feeling the hangers from the outside. This operation is performed in as little as 30 minutes. After the operation, patients are kept under observation for two hours. Then it is possible for patients to return to their daily lives quickly. Although sagging can be arranged with the suspension technique, it is not sufficient on its own in areas with lubrication in the jowl area.

What Are the Risks of Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery, like any surgical operation, carries risks arising from anesthesia and surgery. It is important to perform various tests, examinations and anesthesia examinations before the operation in order to prevent the risks that may arise.

Bleeding risks after surgery are not very common. However, in order to prevent the risk of hematoma, small drains are placed in the back of the ears after the surgery. In addition, there are rare risks such as numbness of the scalp, infection and hair loss. However, over time, the shed hair regrows and the loss of sensation disappears in a short time.

How Long Does Neck Lift Surgery Heal?

After neck lift surgery, patients can return to their normal lives between 7 and 10 days. Conditions such as bruising and swelling after surgery heal in a short time like a week. Exposure to sunlight should be avoided, especially during the first 10 days after surgery.

Neck Lift Surgery in Turkey

Neck lift surgery in Turkey is one of the most preferred surgeries by those coming from abroad. Turkish surgeons are highly specialized in plastic surgery. There are many surgeons in the country. Therefore, patients are offered the best treatment methods. In addition, neck lift surgeries are much more convenient in Turkey than in other countries. neck lift surgery in Turkey You can contact us for

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