Why is Brazilian Butt Lift Applied?

Why is Brazilian Butt Lift Applied?


Brazilian butt lift It is one of the increasingly popular aesthetic procedures today. In this process, it is basically done by modeling the increase in the volume and shape of the hip with the use of autologous fat from the same patients. Fat is taken from one area and more volume fills the desired area. Brazilian butt lift is often preferred because of the double advantages it offers in butt correction.

In addition to the advantage of not using synthetic materials, normal silicone prostheses are performed without causing scarring or practically irritating the patients.

Who Can Have Brazilian Butt Lift?

This procedure is a technique recommended for women with low folds, fat accumulation in the abdomen, arms and legs, and lower hip volume. brazilian butt In addition, in cases where the amount of fat is insufficient or more suitable for the needs of the patients, the combination of fat and prostheses is performed to reach the desired volumes.

How is Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?

Brazilian butt lift should be performed by experts. This process takes about two hours. Depending on the area treated, it can be performed with sedation or local anesthesia. First of all, liposuction is performed to remove fat from the donor area. After the fat is removed, fat is injected through a small incision in the recipient area. In the first month after the intervention, 30% to 50% of the grafted oils are lost. But the rest remains in the area, creating a natural look. If the patients do not experience a significant weight change, this procedure is permanent.

Abdominal and back regions are mostly preferred as donor sites. In this process, a more feminine appearance is obtained as the waist is narrowed.

Recovery Period After Brazilian Butt Lift

After Brazilian butt lift The postoperative period is extremely rapid. However, it is necessary to wear a compression garment for about a month after the procedure. During this time, it is recommended that patients bend and sit as little as possible. Lymphatic drainage and massage procedures are important for obtaining high-level results. Patients can return to their daily activities in about 15 days after this procedure.

brazilian butt liftIt is one of the most preferred methods in aesthetic surgery. The importance of body jet and acualipo in this process should not be overlooked. When the pressure water liposuction process is performed, the damage caused by fat removal will be much less. This increases the quality of the process.

What are the Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift?

butt liftIt can be done by placing fat grafts, prostheses, dermo fat flaps or by resecting the skin and fat and leaving a scar only at the lower gluteal fold level. The most important benefit of this procedure is that people have full hips.

It is an operation designed to mark the groove in the butt and to remove excess skin and fat in that area. It can be done independently or in combination with inner thigh removal, liposculpture or prosthesis implantation.

When more volume is desired, silicone prosthetic implant and butt augmentation surgery realizable. Depending on the size, it can be performed under local or epidural anesthesia. Soft elastic compression garment should be used for 15 days after the procedure.

The butt can be enlarged with two different methods. A hidden incision is made under the gluteus maximus muscle, on the gluteus or on one side between the two hips, and the growth process is performed with the use of silicone prosthesis. This intervention can be performed under general or epidural anesthesia. After this procedure, patients may need to stay in the hospital overnight. Anatomical or round shaped prostheses can be used to provide natural results according to the morphology and gender of the patients.

How Long is the Permanence of Brazilian Buttock Augmentation?

brazilian butt enlargement persistence for many years. Unlike breast implants, hip replacements have a higher degree of adhesiveness in silicone gel. However, it is also important to perform routine checks in order to ensure integrity.

In addition, it is possible to use fat grafts to achieve augmentation. In this case, fat removal procedures are performed from the areas that provide the most benefit to the silhouette of the patients. After the preparation, the contours are injected into the areas that change the most. In this way, the formation of collapse is prevented. Thanks to this technique, not only the butt, but also the entire contour of the body is benefited. Since no synthetic material is used, there is no need for revisions for a long time.

The risks in the use of prostheses are much less than breast prostheses. Risks such as encapsulation of the prosthesis, dislocation of the prosthesis, and seroma may occur. In fat grafts, only the tissue graft should be good.

Why Should You Prefer Butt Lift with Brazilian Technique?

Butt lift with Brazilian technique It is a method performed by experts. The number of gluteal prostheses used in this procedure is very low compared to breast prostheses. Therefore, the use of fat grafting is much more popular today. In all cases the results are both very natural and fairly stable.

Buttock augmentation surgery The first step is for people to have a clear expectation in this regard. After a detailed examination of the hip, many factors such as the height, width and projection of the hip are checked.

Butt lift with Brazilian technique is among the newest techniques. There is little risk. It has a fast recovery feature. In order to provide moderate increase in the hip area, hyaluronic injections, a natural product that can be absorbed, are performed. This procedure is performed easily and quickly under local anesthesia.

With this technique, it is achieved by re-injecting the fat cells taken from the areas with unwanted fat accumulation. In this way, more rounded hip appearances are obtained. The fat removal process is mostly carried out from areas such as the back, hips and thighs.

In order to obtain the desired butt sizes, more than one intervention is required in this process. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia or sedation. In order for the scars not to be noticed over time, they should be applied with microcannulas.

Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

Brazilian butt lift in Turkey The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. In some cases, it is possible to use local anesthesia or sedation. In Brazilian butt lift operation, body fat is obtained from different parts of the body such as hips, stomach or thighs. Afterwards, it is possible to obtain a fuller and firmer appearance by processing the extracted fats.

Brazilian butt lift takes place within 1 to 2 hours or longer depending on the fat removal and the amount of injection of these fats. In implanted butt lift procedures, the surgeon performs the procedure by making incisions on or around the hips.

Excess fat is removed and the hip skin is pulled tightly. Stitching is done with dissolvable stitches. After the surgery, dressings are performed on the wounds. It is recommended that patients wear compression garments to reduce bruising and swelling.

Advantages of Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

Butt lift operation is frequently preferred in Turkey today. Getting this done here is extremely affordable. The reason for this is due to the high exchange rate in Turkey. The physicians here are experts in their field and the clinics are extremely hygienic. In this way, there are no cases of people getting infected after the procedure. You can contact us for butt lift procedure with Brazilian technique in Turkey.


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