Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer, It means the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the prostate organ, which is included in the male reproductive system. The prostate is a walnut-sized organ located just below the bladder in the lower abdomen. The prostate has many important functions. It has important functions such as secretion of testosterone hormone, maintaining sperm vitality and producing seminal fluid. Benign tumors may appear in the prostate with advancing age. However, cancer cases are mostly detected in men over the age of 65.

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer symptoms It usually occurs in the advanced stages of the disease. It is also a disease that can manifest itself with many symptoms. If it is diagnosed in the early stages, it is possible to treat it. The most common symptoms include:

·         difficulty urinating

·         frequent urination

·         Blood in the urine or semen

·         erection problems

·         Feeling pain during ejaculation

·         unintentionally losing weight

·         Severe pain in the lower back, hips and legs

If you think you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you should apply to the nearest health institution. Since the prostate is located just below the bladder, the symptoms that occur are related to the urinary system. For this reason, it is not right to think of it as a urinary tract infection and not go to the doctor.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer cause is not known for certain. However, as a result of the studies conducted by experts, it has been revealed that some risk factors trigger the prostate. Cancer is caused by changes in the DNA structure of the prostate. Genes determine how our cells work. Therefore, genetic structure is effective in the formation of cancer. If you have a close relative with prostate cancer, your risk of developing this cancer increases even more. Another cause of prostate cancer is age, being black, high male hormones, excessive consumption of foods rich in animal protein and fats, obesity and not exercising. The risk is 2 times higher in people who have cancer in their genetics. For this reason, it is necessary to regularly undergo a cancer screening test.

How is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed?

Prostate cancerIt is one of the most common cancers in men in developed countries. In fact, prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer after lung cancer in Turkey. It is in the 4th place in the deadly cancer types worldwide. It is a type of cancer that usually grows slowly and shows limited aggression. As the disease progresses, weakness, malaise, anemia, bone pain and kidney failure may appear. However, the earlier the treatment is diagnosed, the higher the survival rate.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

The growth rate of the cancer, its spread, the general health of the patient and the stage of the disease affect the treatment process. If diagnosed at an early stage, close follow-up is recommended instead of emergency response. Surgery is one of the most common treatments for prostate cancer. Depending on the patient's condition, robotic, laparoscopic and open surgery methods are also available. The aim of the surgical procedure is to remove the prostate. If necessary, the tissues around the prostate that help to harden the penis can be preserved.

The preferred treatment method in prostate cancer detected at an early stage is laparoscopy. Radiotherapy is also one of the preferred treatments in the early stages. Laparoscopic surgery is a comfortable treatment as it gives successful results to the patient. Since it does not contain a surgical incision, it also provides convenience to the patient in terms of cosmetics.

Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

We explained above that there is no definite cause of prostate cancer. However, the risk factors for prostate cancer are as follows;

Genetic factors; 10% of prostate cases are hereditary. It is usual for cancer to be genetic from first-degree relatives.

Environmental factors; Environmental factors rather than genetic factors are more effective in the development of prostate cancer.

age progression; The risk of prostate cancer increases with advancing age. Prostate cancer, which is very rare under the age of 50, is more common in people over the age of 55.

race factor; Race factor is very effective in the formation of prostate cancer. It is more common in black men. It is a rare cancer in men living in the Asian continent.

Diet; diet is not directly effective in prostate cancer. It is possible to prevent the formation of cancer with a healthy diet.

Successful Results with Prostate Cancer Treatment in Turkey

Prostate cancer treatment in Turkey It is possible for the treatment to be successful because it is carried out in the company of specialist physicians. Treatment planning is made individually. Although the costs are mostly covered by insurance, in some cases they are not. To get detailed information about how much the treatment will cost, how much time it will take and which doctor you should contact, you can contact us for free consultation.


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