What is Skin Cancer?

What is Skin Cancer?

The largest organ of our body is the skin. The skin has many functions. abnormal growth of cells in the skin skin cancer creates risk. People with skin cancer often have very light skin tone, too much exposure to the sun's rays, and have birthmarks. However, it is possible to find the cause of skin cancer by investigating the cause of wounds and spots on the skin. The skin has a structure consisting of several layers. Skin cancer is also examined in three different types according to the texture of the skin. Some skin cancer treatments are easily treated, while others can be life-threatening.

Types of skin cancer are as follows.

basal cell cancer; It is a type of cancer seen in the basal cells of the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. It mostly occurs on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. It is generally seen in fair-skinned individuals over the age of 50. It manifests as bright bumps, red spots and open sores. These criteria also cause crusting and itching in the wound.

squamous cell carcinoma; It is a type of cancer that occurs in the outer and middle part of the skin. It occurs when tanning and overexposure to the sun. People over the age of 50 with low immunity have a higher risk of developing this cancer. Early diagnosis is very important as this disease can spread to internal organs.

Melanoma; Although it is the least common type of skin cancer, it is the most risky among skin cancers. Melanists are the cells that give the skin its color. Malignant proliferation of these cells causes cancer. It is not just caused by sun exposure. When this cancer occurs, brown or pink spots may appear on the body.

What Causes Skin Cancer?

Causes of skin cancer among many factors. We can list these factors as follows;

·         Exposure to excessive radiation, such as a tanning machine

·         Sunburn history and recurrence

·         Exposure to unprotected UV rays

·         Freckled, fair-skinned and red-haired appearance

·         Living in a high altitude sunny area

·         working outdoors

·         Too many moles on the body

·         weak immune system

·         Exposure to intense radiation

·         Excessive use of cosmetics

If you do not want to get skin cancer, you should stay away from these criteria.

What Are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer can be saved if treated early. Skin cancer symptoms as follows;

·         Recurring and non-healing wounds on the body

·         Brown, red, and blue small sores

·         Bleeding and crusting lesions

·         Brown and red spots

·         Significant increase in the number of moles on the body

Early detection of skin cancer is very important. But first of all, one should question himself. When you see a change in your body, you should definitely go to the doctor. The doctor will also examine you in detail and make the necessary diagnosis. A biopsy is performed by examining the spots and moles on the body.

How is Skin Cancer Treated?

Skin cancer treatment It is determined by the type of skin and the growth stage of the cancer. Many treatments are used to treat cancer. Surgery and chemotherapy are the most common treatments. Treatment methods are as follows;

Micrographic surgery; It is treated in cancer types other than melanoma. All types of cancer can be cured with this treatment. And healthy tissue must be protected. The treatment must be performed by experienced surgeons.

excision surgery; This treatment method is used in cancer types that are detected early. In addition, healthy cells can be removed.

cryotherapy; This treatment is preferred in superficial and smaller skin cancers than other cancers. In this treatment, the cancer cell is frozen. Incision and local anesthesia are not used. The frozen area of ​​the cancer swells and falls off on its own. Swelling and redness may occur during this time. Loss of pigment may also occur only in the treated area.

Skin Cancer Treatment Prices

Skin cancer treatment prices It differs according to the type of treatment to be applied. It also differs according to the quality of the clinic and the experience of the doctor. Skin cancer treatment in Turkey is preferred in many countries. Because cancer treatment is highly developed in the country. Specialist doctors also give their best support to patients. If you want to treat skin cancer in Turkey, you can get the best treatment by contacting us.


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