In Which Country Should I Have IVF Treatment?

In Which Country Should I Have IVF Treatment?

IVF Treatment is a process preferred by people who cannot have children or who can have children but carry a hereditary disease. IVF treatment does not give medication to the patient and does not increase fertility. On the contrary, it is combining the egg taken from the mother and the sperm samples taken from the father in the laboratory environment. In this way, couples who want to have a baby can easily hold their child in their arms.

IVF treatment During pregnancy, an egg is taken from the woman's ovary. The retrieved egg is fertilized with sperm from the father. The most important factor in the IVF treatment process is egg and sperm quality. In addition, the age range of the couples and the quality of the clinic to be treated are of great importance in the treatment process. The fertilized egg then becomes an embryo and is sent to the mother's womb to develop.

How is the IVF Process?

Couples who cannot have children wonder how the IVF process progresses. Is pain felt during the procedure? How to go through the steps? How long does the treatment take? You can learn the answers to questions like these by reading our content. However, you should also know that IVF treatment will vary from person to person. But in general, the process proceeds in the following steps.

Stimulation of the ovaries; Stimulation of the ovaries is known as the step that patients fear the most. The necessary drugs for stimulating the ovaries are administered to the patient by injection. Also, besides injection, other drugs are used. After the eggs are stimulated and reach the required maturity, the process of collecting the eggs is started.

collection of eggs; The egg retrieval procedure is extremely effective and safe. It is quite normal to feel some pain during this procedure. The cause of the pain is the perforation of the ovarian capsule. However, if necessary, local anesthesia is given.

collection of sperm; It is a painless procedure compared to egg collection. It occurs when the male ejaculates into a container. He should be very careful while ejaculating and ensure that the semen does not splash elsewhere.

Fertilization; Gametes taken from mother and father candidates are combined in the laboratory environment. For successful fertilization, it is necessary to be in a special room.

Embryo transfer; As we mentioned above, the fertilized embryo is injected into the mother's uterus. You can test after 2 weeks to clarify the pregnancy.

What are the Side Effects of IVF Treatment?

Side effects of IVF treatment Although it is not the same for everyone, if the treatment is applied by a specialist doctor, the treatment can be bypassed without any side effects. But the general effects are as follows;

·         mild cramping

·         Swelling

·         Sensitivity in the breasts

·         Constipation

·         bloody discharge from the vagina

·         Headache

·         Abdominal pain

·         mood swings

·         hot flush

How Is IVF Success Rate Determined?

IVF success rate differ according to various criteria. The quality of the clinic where you are treated, your age range, and the quality of the sperm and egg affect the success rate. The most productive age range is 20-28 years old. Afterwards, the 30-35 age range can also give successful results. However, IVF treatment applied over the age of 35 does not have a very high success rate.

How Much Does IVF Cost?

IVF cost is constantly changing. First of all, the success of the country should be questioned. Then, the price should be searched depending on the country criteria. The most preferred factor by the patient in treatments is that the country offers cheap and reliable treatment. Except for a few countries, treatment costs exceed 25,000 Euros. This price increases even more when the drug is included. The cost of IVF depends on the following factors;

·         Preferred country

·         How many cycles to apply

·         Technique to be used for treatment

·         Clinic to be treated

·         Success rates of the clinic

·         Cost of living between the country of treatment and your home country

Is IVF Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Unfortunately, IVF treatment is not covered by insurance. In this case, it can cause very high costs. If you have private health insurance, you can find out about the discount by contacting your clinic. However, if you get a health report, IVF treatment may be free. You just pay for the medicine.

IVF Treatment Turkey

IVF Turkey is often preferred. Patients often prefer this country for treatment. Because both there is a high success rate and the prices are more affordable than in other countries. In Turkey, the cost of IVF is generally around 3,500 Euros. If you want to be treated in Turkey and successfully hold your baby in your arms, you can contact us and get free consultation.


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