What is Bowel Cancer?

What is Bowel Cancer?

bowel cancer (colon cancer) is the third most common type of cancer worldwide. It is the third cancer to be fatal among women. However, if diagnosed early, it is the type of cancer with the highest chance of survival. If diagnosed at an early stage, the chance of survival for 5 years is 90%. In some cases, screening provides prevention of cancer before it starts.

The colon is a tube-like organ that forms 1,5-2 meters of the average intestine. The colon and rectum make up the entire intestine. The rectum is the last part of the intestine and is the area where stool accumulates. The digested food from the small intestine comes to the colon and the remaining food is digested. The part to be thrown comes to the rectum and stays there for a while. Colon cancer also starts in the colon, and in some cases, polyps begin to form. If early diagnosis is made, treatment is possible, but if early diagnosis is not made, the colon is cleaned first. If metastasis occurs after the spread in the colon, the cancer cell may spread to the surrounding tissues.

Bowel Cancer Symptoms

Bowel cancer symptoms manifests itself in many different ways. First, there is a change in defecation habit. Since it gives different symptoms, it is more easily differentiated from other diseases. Symptoms are often seen with defecation. The column becomes narrower in the left part as a structure. This causes the stool to be thinner and bleeding. However, the general symptoms are as follows:

·         The feeling that the bowel is not fully emptied even though defecation has been made

·         Disruption in defecation

·         Blood in the stool

·         Pain while defecating

·         light secretion in stool

·         Abdominal pain and swelling

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should consult a specialist doctor before it is too late. He will give you the necessary guidance.

What Causes Bowel Cancer?

In bowel cancer, as in other cancers, the main factor is genetic predisposition. If there is someone in the family who has had colon cancer before, the risk factor increases. Along with these, the age factor is also effective. It is more common in people aged 50-60 years. Benign tumors first form in the intestine of the person, and then they can turn into polyps and turn into cancer. Polyp means tiny protrusions in the intestine. If these protrusions are noticed, it is absolutely necessary to follow up.

As a result of some changes in the genes, it increases the risk of developing cancer. Smoking and an unhealthy diet also increase the risk of cancer.

Bowel Cancer Stages

Although the stages of bowel cancer are not clearly separated, they are examined in about 5 stages. Although the symptoms seen in these stages vary, they are generally as follows;

1st stage; It is the earliest stage of bowel cancer. If it is diagnosed early, it will be examined and looked at under follow-up. No chemotherapy or radiation therapy is required.

2nd stage; Colon involvement was observed in the second stage. In this case, part of the colon may need to be removed. Because of its spread, lymphatic tissues may also need to be removed.

3rd stage; is the presence of cancer outside the colon. This stage also includes the removal of part of the colon and lymph nodes. Chemotherapy can be given if necessary.

stage 4; In the third stage, the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. At this stage, the spread is quite rapid. The disseminated tissues are surgically removed at this stage. Chemotherapy is also given.

5th stage; It is the last stage of cancer and spreads to other organs. The patient's condition also worsens. Surgical method is also not preferred. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are administered. After this treatment, a reduction in cancerous cells is expected. If the desired reduction is observed, then a surgical operation can be performed.

To make the right decision Bowel cancer in Turkey you can get treatment.

How is Bowel Cancer Diagnosed?

Colonoscopy or endoscopy method is used to diagnose cancer. This cancer is easier to diagnose than other types of cancer. If polyps are formed, these polyps can also be removed while undergoing a colonoscopy. This is considered a form of treatment. A stool sample is usually requested from the patient and necessary studies are performed on the stool. In some cases, computed tomography may also be requested. In addition, MRI is among the tests that may be requested.

How Is Bowel Cancer Treated?

Bowel cancer treatment is generally applied to improve the patient's quality of life. Surgical treatments are considered mandatory in the initial stages. The treatments that will increase the quality of life in cancer patients are as follows;

Invasive surgical method; It is the process of removing a certain part of the colon by cutting. It generally works and is a fairly radical treatment.

Defecation in the bag; This treatment is preferred if the last part of the colon is removed. Sometimes it is applied temporarily to wait for the bowel to perform its functions after the operation.

Apart from these treatments, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also be applied. Again, as we said, the doctor will make the right decision.

What Precautions Should Be Taken to Prevent Bowel Cancer?

In order to prevent bowel cancer, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet first. Fibrous foods are very beneficial for the intestines. It is also forbidden to consume excessively fatty and spicy foods. You also need to get enough calcium and vitamin D. People over the age of 50 must also undergo a health screening every year. However, you should not forget to use medicines without the advice of a doctor and to stay away from harmful foods.

Bowel Cancer Treatment in Turkey

Bowel cancer in Turkey treatment is often used. Many patients from abroad come to the country and carry out their treatment successfully. You can get the healthiest results by getting treatment in this country. You can contact us for more information.


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