Face Lift Surgery in Turkey

Face Lift Surgery in Turkey

face lift Turkey It is a very advantageous and preferred operation. The operation time takes about 2-6 hours. This depends on how worn the person's skin is. The period of time you can get through the operation is 2-7 days. The surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia according to the decision of the patient and the physician. You can return to work within 14 days after the operation. However, if you are working in the heavy sector, it is useful to wait for about 20 days.

After the operation, you must wait 2 weeks to do physical exercise. You may have bruises and bruises on your skin after the operation. This is perfectly normal. Bruises will also heal 1 week after the operation. Known medically as rhytidectomy face lift Surgery is a procedure that removes wrinkles and sagging on the face and neck and removes excess fat from the skin.

There are many clinics that perform this surgery in Turkey, especially in Istanbul. Each of them is successful and well-equipped in their field. It should not be forgotten that in order to achieve successful results, it is necessary to choose reliable clinics. Otherwise, your skin may become worse than before. If you are also considering a facelift, you can choose Turkey.

Who Can Have Face Lift Surgery?

Anyone who wants to beautify the face and neck area and regain their old appearance can have a face lift operation. Especially patients who want to gain a youthful appearance apply for face lift operation. As a result, eyebrow lifting, face lift and eyelid surgery are performed together. Your skin health must be good enough to handle this operation. You should not have serious complications such as skin cancer, for example. It is a surgery that is generally preferred between the ages of 40-70. It is a great advantage that you are in good general health and not smoking.

In general, after the age of 45 in women and 55 in men, the operation can be performed in people with a thin subcutaneous layer in the face area. People who have more than 1 cm of excess skin on their face can have this operation.

Face Lift Costs in Istanbul

Facelift costs in Istanbuldepends entirely on the success of the surgeon and the quality of the clinic. Facelift is cheaper than many countries. For this reason, the primary preference of patients is Turkey. A facelift is considered a cosmetic surgery. Surgery is not covered by insurance as it is considered cosmetic. Wherever you are going to have surgery, you need to get a full invoice. Below you can find facelift surgery prices in Turkey;

·         full face lift; In the range of 4,500-8,500 Euros,

·         Mini facelift; It is in the range of 2,900-3,500 Euros.

Within the scope of these prices, you can have a face lift operation in Turkey. Thus, you will not have to pay a fortune in other countries and you can have your treatment at affordable prices.

What Should Be Considered Before Face Lift Operation?

Before having a facelift operation, all necessary examinations should be done. It is necessary to decide whether you are suitable for anesthesia, whether you are suitable for surgery and whether your skin is ideal for the operation. For this, blood analysis and other imaging techniques are also used. You must stop aspirin and blood thinners 10 days before the operation. You should also stop taking vitamins. You should also stop smoking and eating 8 hours before the surgery. You must enter the surgery hungry.

After Face Lift Operation

A bandage is applied to the face in order to close the incisions that may occur during the surgery. Tubes are placed under the skin to remove excess blood and fat from the skin. Bandages are removed a few days after surgery. Your doctor will tell you how to care for the injured area and what medicines you should use. After the operation, you need to go to a control examination once.

Most of the time it takes 2 weeks to return to a normal activity life. You can see the effect of the operation after 1 month, as factors such as removing the bandages and removing the bruises take about 1 month. Incision scars formed after facelift surgery look like a normal face line as the wound heals over time. After the operation, you should definitely ask your doctor about the control examinations and what exactly you should pay attention to.

Can I Have a Non-Surgical Face Lift Surgery in Turkey?

Advances in technology have also shown their effect in cosmetic surgery. Thus, there is no need for surgery for facelift. For example, a hifu facelift is a non-surgical procedure. Individuals who do not feel ready for surgery or who want to have very minor changes may prefer the non-surgical method. Sessions progress faster than the surgical method. On average, a single session takes less than 1 hour. Results are also immediately noticeable. Thanks to this non-surgical method, the pores are visibly smaller and the skin begins to produce collagen.

You may feel a slight tingling and numbness throughout the procedure. However, this will not cause much inconvenience. Because patients get used to this treatment in a short time. Moreover, surgical complications will not occur and you will be able to achieve results in a short time.

Hifa Face Lift

Hyfa face lift is a treatment of ultrasound technology. With this operation, it is aimed to reach under the skin and to continue the production of collagen. It also offers a serious change to the neck, face and eyebrow area. Thanks to the production of collagen, the skin will be protected and corrected. It is a very advantageous treatment as it does not have scarring and a long recovery period.

Face Lift Operation in Turkey

If you are considering a face lift operation, you can choose Turkey. Because there are very successful surgeons in this country. After each of them receives the necessary training, they move on to the treatment phase. Moreover, every year many visitors from abroad visit the country for a facelift. It is often preferred because the prices are affordable. If you want to protect your budget and get a quality treatment, you can contact us. face lift operation in Turkey You can get free consultancy service for


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